Time to open the shoulders and the hips DEEPLY. Tues 745pm

Pranayama: over noodle first then moving onto blocks to deepen the opening, arms will go over head to start to open the shoulders.  Sahaja, Dirgha

Sleepwalker, leg stretches, hip rotations, supine cobbler with twist, knees to chest twist adding in shoulder opener, Hip side stretch with long hold and my assist to help open.  😀  Both sides 

Deep shoulder openers: some of these I have not shared before so be careful and mindful of your body.  Prone- arms in “T”  roll onto arm and side body, Thread the needle move only lots more…. and then adding on to this.   Cobra 1 with twist.   Spinal flow rest in child 2

Hips: Raised runner with open & closed twist, hip flexor stretch, external hip openers, calf stretch

Twists,  cradle.  Savasana

Aromatherapy tonight Relaxing Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan