Sandi’s flows for Kaliji Mon

With Kaliji coming to Yoga 4All before we know it(Check Yoga4All website under workshops) Sandi continued to work on the flows that are a common thread in the TriYoga practice.

Pranayama with some fire wash variation to warm up and get started.

Cat rolls, Cat to Runner using blocks this one just can’t be done enough it is a main flow movement that so many other forms of yoga forget to detail. This causes many to just fling the leg forward missing the beauty of the movement. When all of the core muscles are used to lightly land the foot between the hands like a dragonfly landing on a leaf so softly that the leaf barely knows it is there it becomes poetry in motion.

Working on Gentle Wave:  Natural seat~~ Cat~~Facedown~~ Cobra 2 Lift~~Child 2 this flow is one of my favorites. Adding on we went to Mountain ~~Cat~~Facedown~~Cobra 2 Lift~~ Mountain. Remembering to keep pressing into the heels as we move the torso forward from Mountain to lightly land the knees into Cat. In doing this it keep the shoulders over the wrists. If you allow the heels to lift over the ball mound of the foot when you land the knees this is when the shoulders are past the wrists and when you lower to facedown the alignment is off so much that it can stress the rotator cuff muscles.  This is a common mistake done in many different styles of yoga. TriYoga brings awareness to the movement to protect the shoulders.

Sandi also covered Mountain~~Swan~~Mountain and the Mountain ~~ Swan~~ Swan Bow and hold~~ Mountain.  The alignment again so important and we all received a little loving assist from Sandi to better feel the  refined alignment.

Butterfly~L-Seat Twist with assists from Sandi (keeping the spine long and heart open) and forward folds before aromatherapy oils and rolling down.  Allowing each person to settle into the floor with what ever twists or stretches were needed then settling down to Tranquility.

Light energy meditation after Tranquility a lovely end to a wonderful practice.  Thank you Sandi

Aromatherapy this evening was Dharma from Yoga Flow oils  thank you Susan