Having a blended class tonight with beginners class, Tri Yoga class, and Wanda’s advanced class all together in one room….. what fun. 😉
Pranayama: Dirgha (long/complete breath) Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril/channel clearing breath) Anuloma Viloma (Nadi Shodhana with holding the breath in at top of inhale for count of 3). Observing the quality of the breath and just allowing the body to receive the breath.
Toe Stretch with arm movements as well at top of foot stretch. Noticing how these relate to our asana postures. Toe stretch we see in Plank, Raised Runner, Balance and even just our normal walking gate pattern. Top of foot stretch will stretch the whole top of the foot. The whole top of the foot should be able to come to the floor. This is needed for many postures a few are: Vajrasana, Virasana, Camel, Cobra, Cat, reverse plank, triangle, headstand, handstand, shoulderstand etc…..
Calf stretch with a little look at arm work similar to what we do in TriYoga with Cat Bows. Cat rolls with fire hydrant hip circles. Reverse table work adding in the harder work of cradle with the legs if this was what your body called for tonight, this adds more work to the hamstring of the opposite leg (as many of you discovered). 😮
Abdominal work of Navasana (Boat) and Ardha Navasana. The abdominal bent knee twist work not allowing the knees to come to the floor but sustaining the knees or feet a few inches from the floor… you will find your abdominal doing this
Runner with a twist added could advance the move to lifting the back knee to raised runner twist. Swan/Pigeon moving from Downward dog and back to swan, swan rolls, TV watching swan. Hip openers moving foot to mid-line from runner opening the hips deeply while smiling freely. 😛
Standing strength: Wide leg forward fold, Skanda, triangle, side angle, sun warrior, side angle, warrior 2, star back to wide leg forward fold. good work moving with the breath.
Twists, cobbler, Heart open forward folds. aromatherapy, few settling movements before Savasana.
Aromatherapy was Shanti blend from Yoga Flow Oils thank you Susan.