Opening the upper back with breathing over blocks. Sahaja & Dirgha.
Starting with the arms and shoulders warming them up using the band. Chest pulls, flies, Spine twist, high row, low row. Kneeling cactus arms to overhead to side stretch, diagonal stretch and open. Both sides.
Most everything will be done with band tonight: 100’s with band on shins or on feet, Roll down & up add biceps curl, triceps curl. Roll over with leg variations, leg circles, double leg stretch, single leg stretch one leg at time, double straight leg stretch, Flying eagle.
open leg rocker, corkscrew, saw. Outer thighs work from seated, mule kicks. Onto side for front & back kicks, up & down, circles, side passe, inner thighs lifts, bicycle. Supine ankle rolls, inner thigh work.
Strengthening the back with opposite arm and leg. Easy seat twist and forward fold, Mermaid, Aromatherapy, Savasana.
Aromatherapy tonight will be Anxiety Ease from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan.