Being Grateful feeling the energy

Tri Yoga – Hatha mix class at Yoga4all  530pm.

In class we worked on upper body strength as well as some of the Tri Yoga flow turns.  These turns help to keep the flow of energy moving in the wonderful feeling similar to the look of the infinity sign- no beginning- no end just movement. During class the upper body building postures help us to ready the body for more stable standing postures as well as any inversions. Knowing where the limbs of the body are in space helps center us so balancing and movement become effortless effort.

The heart opening postures (backbends) of locust as well as cobra1/boat build strength in the back for all backbends as well as our everyday movements in life. Working the abdominals as well brings more stability for the spine.

The reading about being grateful is a practice we should bring to our daily lives. Perhaps before even getting out of bed keeping your eyes closed bring to mind just 3 things you have to be grateful for. It will make your day begin with an inner peace that will guide your day.  Aromatherapy used on Monday  was Relaxing Blend made by Susan Wasserman Yoga Flow Oils list on my website under links.   Namaste nancy