Assisting Wanda Mon

I will be assisting Wanda with her advanced class.

Tonight’s class was opening up the hamstrings, quads in preparation of backbends.

The hamstring stretches included Supta Padangusthasana using a strap or the next higher option was using the wall in a combination of handstand and yoga split.  Wow that will wake up those hamstring.

Quad stretch was using the wall starting on the right side~ Kneeling place the right top of foot on the wall, slide the knee in as close is comfortable to the wall(have the knee on a blanket that is on a yoga mat). Left leg is bent with the knee over the ankle.  Lift the body long and as the opening allows bring the whole body (hips, torso, head) toward the wall WOW hold on here this is a stretch (my favorite).  Now when this becomes easy for you move the heel of the right foot outside the right buttock and bring everything to the wall.   When this becomes easy curl the toes of the right foot so that the ball mound is on the wall and then slide the whole body to the wall again… when this becomes easy blog or email me and I will give you more.  🙂

The backbends tonight we offered according to each persons practice.  There was half bow,  bow and upward facing bow.  Your choice your practice.

Cobbler, reverse plank and cool down.  Meditation time.  Drink plenty of water to move the toxins out.

Live well, Laugh often, Love much…….. till next week.