Spinal flows, dancing with Shiva, hip openers Thurs

Subbing for Erin tonight.   It is a wild a rainy evening ahead,  thank you all for coming out this evening.

Starting with breath work and moving into Sun Salutations to warm up the body adding a few Kapotasana’s in there to open the hips.  Then to open those feet toe stretch with balance, I just love this new move and hope you all do too.

Gentle wave spinal work to allow the spinal discs to open and get juicy.

Supine hip openers.  Cat-Cat flow for our dental floss for the spine then back to standing.

Dancing Shiva Balance, remembering to breathe deep no holding.

Standing strength to ground us in this Vata wild weather.  Wide leg forward fold be mindful of too much stretch to the attachment of the hamstring to the pelvis.  Don’t “sit back” into the stretch. Placement of the hips in the same plane as the ankles insures that the whole hamstring gets the stretch. To the floor for twists and forward folds.

Yummy part now is the Aromatherapy tonights blend will be Relaxation Blend from Yoga Flow Oils  Thanks Susan.