Kaliji Tri Yoga Flow class Thurs

Subbing Sandi’s Tri Yoga class so in keeping with the feel of Kaliji this class will be  very much a  flow class.

From the Tri Yoga Flow Manual the class will be a new version that Chandra shared for the Earth 108 series.

The only changes will be in the winter section where we will be on the floor instead of the wall.

I may add in Iyengar work in the standing postures so share with our northern yogi’s before they leave.

2 thoughts on “Kaliji Tri Yoga Flow class Thurs

  1. This truly is a random thought. Thank you to Nancy, my yoga mentor. She has inspired me to continue teaching and to continue the journey. Namaste.

  2. Laura, Thank you for the kind words. Laura is also my mentor for teaching, I never thought I could get up in front of people and teach & Laura was the first to help me with that. With much love and many blessings thank you Laura. Namaste.

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