Tag Archives: Twists

Let’s twist again like we did last summer. Tues 745 LFF Sem

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana

Easy seat, reed adding twist and forward fold, cat rolls, cat stretch, cross bow. Toe stretch with twist, toe balance with twist.  Sun Salutation adding on crescent warrior with open and closed twists. Warrior 1, pyramid, revolved triangle, revolved 1/2 moon then rewinding that. Deviasana twist.  Floor twists and forward folds including Janu Sirsasana with a twist, hip side stretch, rocking hip twist and arm reach. Aromatherapy and Savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight is Vata/Kapha Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Twisting things up tonight. Wed 530pm Fundamentals

Pranayama: Starting in a chair to feel the breath move and the sitting bones grounded.

Twisting is such a personal experience  in the chair we all discovered what is a healthy twist for our unique body.  Feeling the difference in allowing the sacrum/pelvis float alittle with the twist verses keeping the hips unmoving and twisting from this position. What brings freedom to the spine for you?  Moving into standing twist of just swing and wrap the arms around to chair with a twist.

Cat rolls to thread the needle two ways regular and then deeper bringing the armpit toward the knee.  Lunge twist using the block to create space in the side body as well as a gentle twist with hand on the floor and twist toward the thigh.  Supine twists, happy baby, aromatherapy and savasana

Aromatherapy tonight will be Shanti Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Opening the heart before the Holidays begin. Tues 745pm

Finding the smoothness of the breath with Sahaja, Dirga.

Starting in Cat with some cat circles, into cat rolls, donkey kicks to Downward Facing Dog.   Opening up the hips and leg muscles with low lunge moving to gate variation, cowface pose, Downward Facing Dog to Lizard.  Onward to a pigeon series adding in a strap on the back foot to open the front body.  Downward Dog, plank to cobra and cobra rolls.   Camel, child, roll to standing for balance.  Tree, Goddess to up on toes to knee to chest balance. 

Standing strength as a flow no long holds tonight. Triangle, 1/2 moon, warrior 2, side warrior, triangle, wide leg forward fold.  Warrior 1, pyramid, warrior 3, pyramid, revolved triangle, forward fold.  Other side yup we are going to fire up the tapas in one leg before moving to the other. no worries as we are not holding for long.

Squat to boat, staff,  fish twist, 4 square stretch or firelog. Aromatherapy, happy baby, knees to chest twist, rock the clock, Savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Shanti Blend from Yoga Flow oils, thank you Susan.

Adding to the standing flow…lets go. Tues 745pm Shanti Flow

Pranayama:  Easy seat sun breath.

Cat rolls, child to cobra flow, lift them up rhomboid work, table balance, donkey kicks, gate, pigeon, 1/4 dog with blocks adding a twist.  Gentle flow to standing strength.  Chair, Warrior 1, Pyramid, Warrior 3, Yoga Splits, vinyasa repeating other side   🙂  Warrior 2, side angle, sun warrior, triangle, moon triangle, wide leg forward fold, other side. Hindi squat, janu sirsasna, wide leg forward fold, cradle or fire log stack.  aromatherapy to rock the clock and supine twist to savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight will be  Vatta/Pitta Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Full body massage with Yoga tonight. Tues 745pm

Tonight every body part will be massage with the gift of Yoga. From the tip of the head to the tip of the toes.

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana.  Adding in Rabbit stretch to open the mind.

Moving right into standing and movement. Warming up the shoulders with cat bows and for those that don’t like those and find them too easy we will have harder options for you…. no worries.  Moving down the body to the back, opening the front of the body while strengthening the back.  A few seated twists that also open the hips.  Then opening the feet with toe stretch and for those that want more advancing the move.   Aaah the hips, opening the hips with swan and sustaining the holds.  Happy baby and a nice long sustaining hold of hip side stretch. Reclined easy seat and reclined cobbler.  Time for aromatherapy and Savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Anxiety Ease from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Putting everything together. Fluid Fun Flows. Mon 530

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana, Analoma Viloma

Everything is a fluid flow tonight.  Cat bows, swan, heel presses, standing strength with Warrior 1 added in.  Toe balance, cobra flows, bridge, hip side stretch, basic hand balance, butterfly, twists.    Aaaah flowing. 😀

Aromatherapy tonight will be Relaxing Blend, from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Fitness Ball Fun, working the core. Tues 530

Sitting on the fitness ball for the breathing practice: Sahaja, Dirgha, Sun breath.

This class will be fun and funny as we work on the fitness balls and discover how hard the core needs to work to keep the stability of the body and the ball.

Bouncing, twists, holding the ball with motion, sitting on the ball, kneeling beside the ball, and being prone on the ball.   Fun with core work is what this class will be tonight.  😛

As always aromatherapy, relaxation/meditation and savasana will close the class.

Aromatherapy will be Dharma blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

On the floor for flexibility and strength Mon 7pm

Subbing Judy’s  stretching & meditation class tonight.

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana

Moving the joints of the ankles and feet, inversion & eversion of the leg and foot. Shoulder joint movements of cactus arms, Bird Wings.   Mula rolls for the spine, Cobbler with twist, Easy seat with forward fold and walking to each side, feeling the lungs expand fully.

Facedown strengthening the back with Cobra 1, to Cobra1/Boat.  These are the very movements that babies first make to gain strength before they begin walking.  These are very important muscles to maintain and keep healthy. Alternate leg lifts keeping the back strong and safe.  Child to stretch out the back

Supine Rock the Clock,  Bridge rolls, Hip Side Stretch.  Leg lifts to sustain the lift and stretch toward the head, out to the side, and across the body. Tri Yoga Hip Rotations, Happy Baby,  Reclined Twist.

Roll up for Aromatherapy oils and then to Savasana and Meditation.

Aromatherapy Blend tonight is Dharma

Hold on to your flow- strength tonight with arm balances. Tues

Time to check in again with the arms and give them some work. Tonight we will be looking closely at arm balances.

Pranayama:  Standing Sahaja, Dirgha, Sun Breath.

Salutations with twists and 1/2 Hanumanasana in.  Opening up the arms and shoulders with Dolphin and variations of Dolphin.  Fun times are here   🙂 Arm balances:  Crow with option to hop back to plank.   Hopping forward to Firefly,  Tolasana.

Moving from standing to squat using blocks then to hand balance again.

Release the shoulders with Prone shoulder opener.   Forward folds and twists to settle the mind and body before Savasana.

Aromatherapy is Anxiety Ease tonight thank you Susan.   😀   Savasana wtih Rock the Clock

Aromatherapy is made by Yoga Flow Oils