😛 Starting two new classes at Yoga 4 All Tues class will involve working the core with Yoga, Pilates and other disciplines. The other class starts July 8th and will be an intermediate to advanced class.
Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Sun Breath
Toe stretch, top of foot stretch.
TriYoga hip rotations, rolling like a ball, roll over, toe and heel taps, navasana flow.
Side plank flow with twists, holding plank with leg lifts. Leg work for the buttocks. Quad stretches before TriYoga camel work.
Onto the back supporting muscles with cobra flow series.
Twists, forward folds aromatherapy, Savasana
Aromatherapy tonight will be Shanti Blend from Yoga Flow Oils thank you Susan. 🙂