Pranayama: Seated sun breath sitting in easy seat.
Moving into roll downs with a little twist, adding in the three part roll down bit by bit to find the spot that needs more focus. Onto back for some leg work. Ready for the 100’s, push through is working the abs as well as the back and arm muscles. Roll over everyone’s favorite then onto the Can Can getting everything looking lovely. Roll back with twist deep to Saw, rowing, shave the head ??? what ?? no worries really, hug a tree, cobra work, pulling straps. Water wheel, Navasana, rolling like a ball to roll to standing. Cat rolls to puppy stretch to rabbit. Down dog to raised cobra, camel prep, L seat slide, cradle stretch, twists, aromatherapy to Savasana
Aromatherapy tonight will be Ananda Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan