Adding to the standing flow…lets go. Tues 745pm Shanti Flow

Pranayama:  Easy seat sun breath.

Cat rolls, child to cobra flow, lift them up rhomboid work, table balance, donkey kicks, gate, pigeon, 1/4 dog with blocks adding a twist.  Gentle flow to standing strength.  Chair, Warrior 1, Pyramid, Warrior 3, Yoga Splits, vinyasa repeating other side   🙂  Warrior 2, side angle, sun warrior, triangle, moon triangle, wide leg forward fold, other side. Hindi squat, janu sirsasna, wide leg forward fold, cradle or fire log stack.  aromatherapy to rock the clock and supine twist to savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight will be  Vatta/Pitta Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan