Category Archives: Yoga Reflections

It’s my Birthday Thurs

It’s my birthday so I love when I get a chance to have a special yoga treat on this day.  This year I am having a private session with Larissa Carlson on pranayama.  I am really looking forward to it.

Last nights workshop with Larissa was as always wonderful.  She lives and teaches from a state of grace and love. Investigating the Chakras through the Bija mantra is always an interesting Self discovery. 

I will be setting up a schedule page soon on my website so that anyone can see where I am teaching, assisting or where the workshops and training classes I will be attending are.  In case anyone would like to join me.

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?   Live that.

May you be at peace, May you dwell in your heart, May your heart flower.     Namaste……….

Chakra Class Bija Mantra @Lotus Pond Tampa Wed

I am going to the Lotus Pond this evening for a workshop with Larissa Carlson about the Chakra’s, Bija Mantra and yoga to explore the Chakra’s.  Check out the workshop info online at  Working with Larissa is always an amazing experience. Cindy, one of our yogini’s in class is going to join me which I am also looking forward to being able to share this experience with her.  The Lotus Pond/Room brings in master teachers to this area and is one place I love to spend my yoga dollars at as they live yoga through their actions and deeds.
