Category Archives: Core Work

Stong backs, strong legs, happy sacrums Tues

Centering Pranayama  Found a new poet that I love will offer 2 of her readings tonight.

Cat rolls opening the spine. Allowing the movement to flow into circles perhaps to updog.

Dogs peeing on fire-hydrant to circle here (I know it sounds strange but you know what I mean when I say it) Opposite arm and leg balance.  Toe stretch with shoulder/arm openers.

Upper body work with Dolphin and moving into more advanced forearm dog.

Instead of Sun Salute tonight will be part of a Mandala Namaskara to open the hips and legs.

Standing postures tonight Triangle, 1/2 moon, revolved Triangle, revolved 1/2 moon, Pyramid.

Hand balances with blocks Tolasana or Lolasana

Few twists, pelvis leveler then Savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight Dharma by Yoga Flow Oils thanks Susan.

Found a great website for reflexology and a good free print out for foot reflexology I will be bringing copies soon.  Enjoy the full moon it was beautiful this morning around 5am I was on the Skyway bridge and it was so wonderful seeing the moon beams kissing the water below.  Above and below we are all connected.

Bridge over peaceful waters, swan Fri

Back from Teachers training and looking forward to seeing everyone.

Checking in on those lovely feet & toes are they opened and stretched?  We shall see….

On  to the core  Navasana flow that we haven’t done for a bit.

Sun Salutations with some hip openers. Finding the Goddess in all of us (Deviasana)

Bridge over peaceful waters .. finding a stable peaceful bridge using blocks as an alignment tool as well as a support.  Low Back bliss

Aromatherapy today Energizing Blend from Yoga Flow Oils thank you Susan

Susan is giving a workshop in Tampa Sunday check out the link.  I will be there too.