Tag Archives: Balance

Shanti Vinyasa Event Schedule

Special Events And Classes

Keep up-to-date on special events and classes. Throughout the year I offer monthly opportunities to participate in a variety of yoga and yoga themed sessions that aren’t on my regular schedule, ranging from relaxation therapy to anatomy and more.

Find the event that interests you in the list below and register as you normally would. Click on the link for a detailed description. Check back often as the listings are regularly updated. I look forward to seeing you as we grow and expand our yogic knowledge.

Taking some time off. Keep an eye on this page or Facebook to see what I am up to.

  • Summer 2018

October Walk, Stand, Balance

11011716_10204923243255398_2324969574362355573_nHealthy Feet #1

October 9, 2016
1:00pm – 3:00pm
Where everything starts . . . . . your feet.  Do your feet hurt or feel tired? Do you think you think you have tight hamstrings or hips? Love your feet enough that they feel like they are on vacation.

Sign Up Today!

How are your shoe choices affecting the health of your feet, ankles, knees and hips? Come away with tools to help you find strong healthy feet. Open to all, you do not have to get down onto the floor. Chairs are provided. Handouts provided.

Sign up is quick and easy! I’m looking forward to seeing you for this informative learning session.

November Knees, Hips, Low Back – Healthy Feet #2

06-gktbzh8Healthy Feet #2

November 20th
1:00pm – 3:00pm
What story does your knee pits tell about your legs, hips and low back? (A LOT) Do you struggle with balance? You will get better understanding why from this workshop.

Sign Up Today!

Leave with tools from this workshop to retrain and strengthen your weak muscles in the legs, hips and low back. Don’t blame your hamstrings an longer get the real information about your legs. This information will be useful in your life on and off the yoga mat. Handouts provided.

Sign up is quick and easy! I’m looking forward to seeing you for this informative learning session.