10 Churnings- Toe stretch & balance~~ Shaking things up. Tues

Begining with a little pranayama as we always do and adding in  The Breath of Joy for a little more awakening for this strong practice tonight.

Had a request for a more Hatha yoga practice so tonight the standing postures will have longer holds to ride the wave of the breath and feelings. Pantanjali says “Perfection is achieved when the effort to perform the asana becomes effortless and the infinite being within is reached.”  Mr Iyengar says” Relaxation in asana means release of unnecessary muscular tension in your body which allows serenity in the mind.”  Try to find this ease and relaxation in the poses tonight.

Love that toe stretch and adding to it tonight with a litte balance.  After the normal toe stretch coming into toe balance and adding on open the knees outward bringing the soles of the feet close together heading in the direction of cobbler feet.  Now the fun begins..  First position there with hands on blocks, spine is long and shoulders are over hips. Second position hands placed palms down on the knees. Third position hands is Namaste. Last position hands slightly above the crown of the head the finger tips touching and the palm of the hand open like a little tent.  Aaahhh feel those feet open.   Breathe full deep breaths.  YUM   YUM I love open feet.

A new warm up I learned will be practiced tonight called the 10 churnings (see separate blog post for how to do them).  These move the joints and the fluid around the joints to awaken the body to the practice.

Do a balance or 2 or 3   some twists and forward folds.

Aromatherapy is Vata massage blend from Yoga Flow Oils

Nadi Shodhana after Savasana to make sure everyone is grounded and centered.

Reading is about clearing the mind to allow the spirit to bloom.