Body Flow tech Tues

Annette is changing things up this week and brushing off a oldy but goody.

Going over the bow and arrow sequence. When bending deeply into the bend of the legs watch the knee ankle alignment. The move is the arms are at chest height hands are together then pulling back as when pulling back on a bow string the back leg bends then the body comes to center to gently twist toward the back. This even placement of the shoulders over the hips allows the body to twist more fully and evenly. This creates space in the spine.

Kneeling lunge with arms down… again the shoulders over the hips to lengthen the spine and to stretch the hip flexors.

Reverse Triangle  front leg is straight and it is a leaning back over the back leg. Shoulders stay in line with hips and hips face forward.

Ankle to thigh the standing leg knee is bent.  I see too often that the standing leg is straight this does not give you the purpose of the posture which is to open the hips and to strengthen the butt muscles.  Mudras help focus the mind.

Swan quad stretch be mindful of the knees this posture can be taken as deep as you want.

Bridge lifting a leg.  To help make the leg feel light as a feather start by lifting the heel first so that the weight has shifted to the ball mound of the foot then lift from there pressing strongly into the floor with the other foot.

Till next week.  Flow on