3 leg dog, double pigeon, swan is this a zoo? No LFF Sem Tues

The new release is fun and it does have lots of “animal” postures in it.

3 Leg dog with alignment detail on keeping shoulder square. Lifted legs armpit is aiming toward the floor, both arms elbows are straight.  Hips are what is moving and opening.

Swan to double pigeon or fire-log stack. Keeping the feet flexed and folding forward leading with the chest.

Single leg stretch.  Knee to shoulder other leg long but not on the floor

Plank feet walk out and in and also walk in place.  The position of the back is more important than the leg movement..  No plank hammocks here please.

Prone back work.  Physical Therapist new study reports the importance of these types of movements to prevent, stop and reverse the rounding of the shoulders that is brought on by our sedentary culture. The study shows that women in particular are prone to this kyphosis of the upper body. The onset is highest between ages 50&60, however younger women are showing up with this due to the fact of using the computer starting at a young age. So we should do these  prone alternate arm and leg lifts, cobras and others of this movement daily.