Find that back, muscles that you forget you have. Mon

Wanda was a little under the weather today so I was honored to teach the class tonight. Wanda told me that she wanted to bring in more strength work for the upper body and back for preparation of hand balances.

Standing pranayama: Dirgha (complete breath) adding Ujjayi (victory) breath.  Bringing energy into the body with breath; Breath of Joy. This is a great breath anytime that energy is needed without being too stimulating especially for an evening class.

Opening the shoulders with stretches using just the body and then with a strap. Shoulder roll, swinging the arms forward and back and then in circles. Strap work; side to side, overhead pull downs. Hands clasped behind back  (Yoga Mudra) at the hip and then directly behind opening the chest.   Gomakasana arms (Cow face), Garudasana (Eagle) arms, and trap squeeze.

Doug Keller’s shoulder strengtheners at the wall.  There was a handout for these if you didn’t get one and would like one let me know.  I noticed most of you found this difficult and this is sooo good for you.  If you can do this once a day  2-3 times a week (it can be done daily, but work up to it don’t over do) this would really advance all of your yoga postures.  This is how the back/ arms should be working in all the standing postures even when arms are lifted overhead.  This stabilization of the shoulder blades is what makes the inversion practice as well as the back bending practice happen with ease.

Threading the needle with the arm out straight and with bringing the threading arm elbow alongside opposite knee adding more of a twist.  Supporting arm palm pressing into the floor, elbow is lifting toward the ceiling. 

Dolphin work for upper body strength and using the awareness found from the wall shoulder work. Adding a lifted leg for more work if the need was there to find the  postures edge for you.

Dandasana with inversion/eversion leg and foot work.  This strengthens the vastas medialis and vastas lateralis the muscles that help to stabilize the knee.  Very important work, simple but this works.

Chatus Pada Pitham; (little table) aka Purvottanasana variation 1- the beginning version of Purvottanasana. The basic version was done then if more challenge was needed one leg was bent placing the flexed foot on the opposite thigh below the knee and lifting into the posture.  If more strength building for the arms was needed and the previous posture was strong then dips were added in.  This was enough for this evening but give your yoga a future there is more.  Stretched out the triceps with half Gomakasana arms to the full posture of Purvottanasana with partner help using a strap.

Moving to the wall for Down Dog work.  Finding the hand & foot placement to find ease and length for the spine. Partner work using a long stick along the length of the spine helping the body become aware of where the tightness is located.  Over arching  the back or hunching the shoulders? This was a taste of finding ease in the dog. More work can be done with this and perhaps I can help those who would like to work on this before class starts on Mondays or Wednesdays come early if you want this help.

Vasisthasana variations (Side Plank) offered was a little something for everyone.  Knee down, upper leg bent supporting the body with lower leg long, both legs straight …. lots of options.

Down Dog back to standing.  Forward folding to hands on blocks by the feet coming into squat. From a flat foot supported squat lifting one leg straight out finding strength and core work here.  From this squat position crossing ankles and giving Tolasana (basic hand balance) a go.  If able from Tolasana bringing legs forward into balancing Dandasana to lower to floor.   

Forward folds and a twist or two before rolling down to a well deserved Savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight was Relaxing Blend by Yoga Flow oils  thank you Susan.