Legs & Hips Warm, Fluid & OpenTues

Pranayama  Dirgha & Nadi Shodhana.

Spinal Rolls, Sun Salutations to warm up the body. Standing strength is mixed into the Salutations tonight to add a flowing movement to the postures. No long holds tonight in standing postures.

The longer holds are in the hip openers.  Swan with Swan bows to stretch the outer leg. Runner & extended leg stretch using blocks really opens the hip flexor as well as the hamstrings.

Applying aromatherapy early tonight before heading to the floor for supine leg stretches with a strap. My hope is the aromatherapy will allow the inward focus to come more easily so the stretches can be deep and mindful.

Hip Side Stretch, a nice twist before Happy Baby and Cradle (4 square stretch). Supine wide leg stretch for the inner thighs then releasing to Reclined Cobbler.

Savasana     The hips & hamstrings should be warm and open now allow the heart and mind to do the same.

Aromatherapy tonight is Yoga Nidra by Yoga Flow Oils ~~ Thanks Susan

Tomorrow your journey through the world should be fluid with the opening of the hips and legs. This is my wish for all of you.   Namaste  ~~~~