Fluid joints, open feet & balanced mind. Fri

It’s Friday and the start of what looks like a beautiful weekend.  Sunny Florida will shine down on us this weekend so lets be ready by moving fluid through the joints (10 churnings) opening the feet (because they take us where we are going) & balance the mind with breath work.

Pranayama today will be multiple breath practices. Complete breath,Dirgha which means slow and deep, to bring us into the present moment and land us in our bodies, gentle Kapalabhati, or Skull Shining Breath.  Breath of Joy before the standing and after Toe stretch & 10 churnings.

Toe stretch it just wouldn’t be right to skip the feet. So today  adding in the toe stretch balance as I have in the other classes this week.  I am not teaching on Friday for 2 weeks, Mike is teaching the next two, so you will have plenty of time to practice before I see you again.  Stretching the feet stretches the mind. 🙂

I want to offer all my classes the “10 churnings” this is a series of movements that oil and awaken the joints of the body for all movement not just a warm up for yoga.  These are great after sitting in a car for a trip or after getting off a plane. Who cares what people think, they will most likely never see you again, but will remember that you were taking time out to care and love yourself.  see previous blog for complete instructions for the 10 churnings.

Sun Salutations with a few added in warm ups as well as an Archer balance and it is time for standing postures.  With all this Vata weather (cold, dry, windy) we need to ground ourselves with standing postures.

Working with Ardha Chandrasana, 1/2 moon, today coming into the posture from Uttanasana (standing forward fold) as well as Trikonasana (Triangle) to see which is easier for your body.  Both should be done as each offers its own benefit to the body and mind.

A twist or two and forward folding in Cobbler. Savasana  These classes just fly by.

Aromatherapy today will be  Open Heart Blend by Yoga Flow Oils

Balance is the state of the present – the here and now ~ BKS Iyengar