Spinal flows, pranayama. Mon

Working on spinal flows this evening to open up the spine and keep the fluids moving freely.

Going over the 10 churnings again to see if anyone has any questions.

Lynne (Chandra) was in town for a workshop so she showed another addition to the toe stretch work that includes some of the basic hand balance work with it.  We will go into this tonight.

Not having done the flow turn from facedown to come onto the back for awhile so tonight is the night to go over that.  From prone position arms out from shoulders in “T” position. Inhale right arm overhead and over to the left side of the body palm facing up (your torso is on its side) rolling onto the right side, bending the left leg and place the sole of the left foot on the floor.  Pressing into the left foot shift the hips/body and move onto the back the left arm opens and you should be on your back, straighten the left leg and you are supine with the arms out in a “T” position.

Bridge rolls then bridge with a block supporting under the sacrum.  Bridge leg lifts, lifting heel of right foot then toes bending the knee and bringing it towards the chest. Lengthen the leg long over the hips toes towards the ceiling and keeping that length slowly lower the leg towards the floor when the foot is on the floor slide the foot back in position under the knee back to supported bridge. Alternate legs with the breath.

Fingers in the sand shoulder openers will also open the heart.

Come on in and breathe, flow and have a little aromatherapy.

Tonight’s aromatherapy blend will be Shanti.

 Live well, Laugh often, Love much……….