Strong backs open hearts. Tues

Pranayama complete breath over blocks

Toe stretch, toe balance, toe stretch, top of foot stretch.

Cat rolls to cat bows with a roll added in. Doing both cat bows tonight to build strength for arm balances.

Cobra work tonight.  Half tortoise twist. Moving into hip openers with swan & swan bows  add in Iyengar TV watching swan.  Adding in the two new external hip rotator stretches WOW these are still tough. However, these really do open the side hip.  Glad everyone likes them and smiles through the stretch.

The new forward fold Karin would like to see in more classes was visited once more. Savasana

Aromatherapy tonight is Anxiety Ease from Yoga Flow Oils thank you Susan.

2 thoughts on “Strong backs open hearts. Tues

  1. Glad it worked for you. Everyone seems to really enjoy ?? the new hip openers. (Is enjoy the right word) I know that most of the men don’t need the cat bows however, the women do to help build strength safely. To move back to the arm balances. Thanks for the comment.

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