After observing the new flow class I have a few things to go over.
When in intense pose/chair do not straighten legs then move into forward fold. The move is a flowing action of being in chair pose then lower chest to thighs the knees are deeply bent then with the chest on the thighs slowly straighten the legs but keep the chest on the thighs so you may not have the legs all the way straight but work toward that.
Warrior 1 – hips bones in front of body are forward not at a slant. If needed lift back heel. You can also widen legs but not so wide that feet are not in line with hips
Warrior 2, Sun Warrior, Side Warrior, Triangle back foot should be at 30 degree angle with toes pointing forward at 30 degrees. Most people are keeping the back foot parallel to the back edge of the mat. You can not find the strength of the back leg with the foot at the wrong angle.
Hindi squat— Hand on the floor the fingers are pointing in the direction of the twist so if right hand down the fingers are pointing toward the left and the right elbow/upper arm is pressing into the right leg.
Firelog / Modified half Lotus fold forward leading with the sternum bone/heart rather than the head. Keep chest/ cervical spine in line as the fold happens. Long spine, long back no humps. Can round back only if belly is on heel of top foot and sternum bone is on shin of other foot and nose is about 4 inches from floor. Otherwise stay high.
3 Leg Dog. shoulders are dipping the line of the shoulders should stay parallel with front edge of mat …. no twisting of the upper body, no bending of elbows. hips stack to open hip
Single Leg stretch when legs alternate keep lower leg in alignment ~~ ankle in line with knee and knee in line with shoulder. Don’t torque lower leg.
Seesaw movement Make sure arms are not in “B52 airplane arms” Arms are out pretty much from the shoulder. Not winging them back like a high diver going off the high board either. Level and out from shoulders the torso/back is doing the work not the neck and arms.
Seesaw with knees lifted Most were allowing the knees to flare way out keep knees in.
Twisting lunge Arms stack in alignment not the top arm flung way back and toward the hip. Wrist over elbow, elbow over shoulder joint then open the chest to open more not fling arm /head back.