Teaching Wanda’s advanced class tonight.
Going more into Headstand and Shoulderstand tonight. If headstand is not in your practice then I will be assisting any that want to get up into handstand.
Pranayama practice to open the heart and lungs. Navasana work. Feeling froggy we will see how Bekasana feels for everyone tonight.
Camel to see how the body is opening. Next I will share what I have been doing in the gym with external hip openers WOW it really works.
Wall work with more side body opening to prepare for Headstand and Shoulderstand. LIttle more abdominal work then Headstand & detailed set up for Shoulderstand. While those that have Headstand practice is up those who would like to try Handstand I will assist to get up.
After Shoulderstand drape the upper body over blankets to release neck.
Twists and some forward folds.
Aromatherapy will be Ananda Blend from Yoga Flow Oils thanks Susan
Savasana Nadi Shodhana before going home to calm and center the mind.
Everyone did really well with going into headstand staying awhile then coming down for a few breaths in child then going back up. Shoulderstand went so well that I added in some variations. Good practice for all. Headstanders you are ready to move away from the wall. Give your yoga a future. The practice of headstand & shoulderstand was over 30 minutes for just these two postures.
What were the Jacks? well they were the ab work as well as the hip openers. 🙂