Subbing Sandi’s class today.
Pranayama practice over 2 blankets to open the shoulders, heart and chest.
Leg lifts and hip rotations, supine twist to feel how the external hip muscles are doing. Cradle work with a twist. Fingers in the sand shoulder opening.
Spinal rolls, a flow of Cats, Downward Dogs, thread the needle and side bends. Standing neck & shoulder openers. 10 churnings to Doug Keller shoulder work on wall. Releasing the shoulder work with shoulder openers using a strap to assist. Polishing off the shoulders with Karin Stephan’s back bending using a dowel. Chair on the wall to build strength in the legs.
New hip openers to really open the external hip rotators yum yum yoga 😮
Twists, Forward folds.
Aromatherapy: Relaxing Blend from yoga flow oils thank you Susan. 8)