Time to check in again with the arms and give them some work. Tonight we will be looking closely at arm balances.
Pranayama: Standing Sahaja, Dirgha, Sun Breath.
Salutations with twists and 1/2 Hanumanasana in. Opening up the arms and shoulders with Dolphin and variations of Dolphin. Fun times are here 🙂 Arm balances: Crow with option to hop back to plank. Hopping forward to Firefly, Tolasana.
Moving from standing to squat using blocks then to hand balance again.
Release the shoulders with Prone shoulder opener. Forward folds and twists to settle the mind and body before Savasana.
Aromatherapy is Anxiety Ease tonight thank you Susan. 😀 Savasana wtih Rock the Clock
Aromatherapy is made by Yoga Flow Oils