Monthly Archives: October 2010

Gentle openings for the hips and shoulders. Mon 7pm Yum Yum

Pranayama: supine on the floor and really focusing on the breath and its movement.  Really finding the 3 part breath.

Gentle stretches is the focus of the class tonight.  Hip rotations, twist with a shoulder opener, rock the clock, bridge roll, supine cobbler with support, apanasana flow.   Single knee lumbar rotation,  a few ViniYoga moves, prone single leg lifts to build back strength.  Forward folds,twists to close out the class.  Aromatherapy & Savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Ananda Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Flowing into Fall Yeah! Mon 530

Finally the feeling of cooler air has arrived and brought a smile to most of our faces.  Let’s flow with this coolness.

Pranayama Standing:  Sahaja, Dirgha, gentle Sun Breaths.

Gentle flow with swan and down dogs to open the hips, adding on with 3 leg dog. Cat bow 1 with extended cats and moving into the more advanced extended cat bows.   Building some strength in the upper body with Down Dog to Plank and sustaining plank.  Balance  Tree, Extended tree,Half stance and extended half stance.

Opening into some gentle back bends with cobra 2, extended child, cat tuck, facedown.  Locust lifts to extended child.  Half tortoise adding twists.  Ending with bridge rolls, hip side stretch, reclined cobbler. Oils & savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight will be  Ananada Blend by Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Feeling Hippy. Friday 1115am

WOW it feels like I haven’t seen everyone for a month…   Well that is about right.  Really missed you all and wanted to give you a sweet treat of a nice hip opening class.

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha over blocks opening the thoracic to open the hips.

This class will be a gentle restorative class that will allow the hips to open and let go.  Leg lifts, leg stretch, reclined tree, hip side stretch, Happy Baby,  reclined cradle, wide leg stretch, cobbler .  Standing for a gentle sun salute to feel the newly open hips.  Balance of just lifting up to toes and back down opening the feet as well as balancing.  Janu Sirsasana twist and forward folds.   Time for aromatherapy and Savasana.  Restore, relax and let go.

Aromatherapy today will be Shanti Blend from Yoga Flow oils, thank you Susan