Touching base with TrIyengar tonight. Mon 530

Pranayama:  Easy seat with seated breath of joy.

Moving through a Cindi Lee warm up with cat rolls, downward dog, thread the needle, arm circles and chest expansion before opening the feet with toe stretch.  Hindi squat to a temple twist.

Sun Salutations with the cobra work for the back before sharing the Iyengar option of the Tri Yoga Cat Bows  3 in 1 with a block.   Using the dowel for the side body backbending work to again expand the side body.

 Bridge rolls to body awareness by observing the hips to notice if there is one that is “wayward” as Karin calls it.  Usually everyone has 1 that is wayward.  We will discover how to recognize it and how to work with it to bring it more into balance.

Folds and twists before aromatherapy and Savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight will be a new Blend Pitta/Kapha from Yoga Flow Oils,thank you Susan