Category Archives: Balance

Gentle but juicy. Golfballs & Yoga?? Wed 830am

Subbing for Susan’s Hatha yoga class beginner to moderate.

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha breaths. Noticing where the breath is from. Does the chest or the abdomen rise first ?  Taking the time to notice where the breath is today.

Cat Rolls with runner’s stretch and side bend.  Toe Stretch with arm movements. Top of foot stretch.  Seated ankle rotations with pointing and flexing.  Inversion-Eversion leg work for the thighs.

Navasana with Ardha Navasana.  Noticing if using the thighs instead of the abdominal muscles.  Moving to the wall to explore this a little more finding the abdominal muscles in Navasana very fun 🙂   Sukasana forward fold and walking to each side to settle the pelvis.

Standing.  Rolling out the golf balls to stretch the feet.  Noticing how the rolling of the ball opens and warms the feet.   Dasha Chalana the churnings of the joints moving through these with thoughtful awareness.

Balance:  Star— Crane— Tree —- Balance Stick    trying to do these without touching down.

Standing strength series with Warrior 2- Side Angle- Sun Warrior- Triangle- Deviasana- modified Skanda.

To the floor to strengthen the back  Cobra  spinal flows.  Rolling up for twists and forward folds.

Aromatherapy  & Savasana

Aromatherapy this morning is Prana Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Adding the core to help hand balances in the future. Tues 745

Summer solstice was last night and still today so lets focus inward and allow healing.

Last weeks hand balancing went very well, however the core work just makes it so much easier so we will be adding in some Pilates based work and see how much of a difference it makes.  8)

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Sun Breath moving hands up the mid-line to swan dive down toward feet.

Using 2 blocks for squat work, lowering to the floor and back up. Sustaining the squat and extending one leg and holding then the other. Hand balance Tolasana.  Toe stretches, foot stretch and ankle/calf stretch.

Roll like a ball,  Navasana flow.  Knees to chest ab work we did a couple of weeks ago just to keep it fresh in the body. 

Cat rolls. Standing strength.

Balance fun:  Star    Crane    Tree   Balance stick as a flow no touching down if you can help it.  Chair with twist up to a balance posture.  Twists and forward folds before aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy will be Shanti tonight from Yoga Flow Oils thanks Susan.

Flowing with strength & balance Fri

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Sun breath (Surya Pranayama)

Suryanamaskara  (Sun Salute) with additions of strength building of Dolphin, doplhin plank, side plank,warrior 1 with prayer twist.

Standing strength. Balance of opposite arm and leg, Dance of Shiva, toe balance to floor with cobbler toe balance.

Easy twist and stretches, aromatherapy, savasana.

Aromatherapy is Energizing Blend from Yoga Flow Oils thank you Susan