Category Archives: Hamstrings

NEW CLASS Advanced asana/pranayama Thurs 6pm

Pranayama: Standing Sahaja, Dirgha, Sun breath, breath of Joy  😛

Sun Salutations with crescent warrior.  Balance

Hip openers to start the backbending flows. Prone Boat, Bow, Cobra rolls, Camel. Bridge, full Wheel, Plow, Happy Baby, Reclined Cobbler with Twist.  Other twists and gentle forward folds.

Aromatherapy tonight Open heart from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Dog Days of Summer are here. Cool flows Tues 745

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Box Breath

Salutations with upper body strength.  Spinal flows to strengthen the back, hip openers, hamstring stretches.  Standing strength. Hip openers with longer holds as well as quad stretches.

Twists, forward folds.

Aromatherapy tonight is Ananda from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Watching the breath flow with the Asanas mon

Having a blended class tonight with beginners class, Tri Yoga class, and Wanda’s advanced class all together in one room….. what fun.  😉

Pranayama: Dirgha (long/complete breath)  Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril/channel clearing breath)  Anuloma Viloma (Nadi Shodhana with holding the breath in at top of inhale for count of 3).  Observing the quality of the breath and just allowing the body to receive the breath. 

Toe Stretch with arm movements as well at top of foot stretch.  Noticing how these relate to our asana postures.  Toe stretch  we see in Plank, Raised Runner, Balance and even just our normal walking gate pattern.  Top of foot stretch will stretch the whole top of the foot. The whole top of the foot should be able to come to the floor. This is needed for many postures a few are: Vajrasana, Virasana, Camel, Cobra, Cat, reverse plank, triangle, headstand, handstand, shoulderstand etc…..

Calf stretch with a little look at arm work similar to what we do in TriYoga with Cat Bows.  Cat rolls with fire hydrant hip circles.  Reverse table work adding in the harder work of cradle with the legs if this was what your body called for tonight, this adds more work to the hamstring of the opposite leg (as many of you discovered). 😮

Abdominal work of Navasana (Boat) and Ardha Navasana.  The abdominal bent knee twist Continue reading Watching the breath flow with the Asanas mon

Breath, Hips and Hamstring Fri

Back from training and I learned how important it is to open the hips using the breath. I usually don’t have enough time in an hour class to do hip work, but we will try to open as much as possible.

Pranayama will start with Dirgha the complete or long breath.

Toe stretch with sun breath with a short hold at the top to get a little charge of prana.

Calf stretch with an added arm work to help build strength in the arms.  Side body stretch and Marjariasana (cat) rolls.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) with a little stretch added in.  Adho Mukha Svanasana variation to Raja Kapotasana  variation (King Pigeon Variation, or Swan) add blocks and thigh stretch.

The new hip openers are brought back for one last week then Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) to Marjariasana (Cat) with hip circles.  Anajeyasana (runner) with twists.

Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide leg forward fold) with added twist perhaps Skanda will flow into here.

Tri Yogas penguin & frog with squashed frog 😛   Wide Leg Tortoise (Tri Yoga), Balasana (child),  Baddha Konasana (Cobbler), Upavista Konasana (seated wide leg forward fold) seated Malasana( squat 1).

Apply aromatherapy of Ananda blend from Yoga Flow Oils thank you Susan.

Roll down to Supta Padangusthasana (reclined hamstring stretch with strap)

Ananda Balasna (happy baby),  Apanasana (knees to chest), Jathara Parivartanasana (reclined twist), Apanasana (knees to chest), Savasana  😮

Breathing deep into the hips and hamstring. Tues

After 6 days of pranayama teacher training we will be breathing deeply into the stretches tonight.  With deep hip openers the need  for deep breaths will be apparent.  Slow  deep work tonight.

Pranayama:  over 2 blocks,  Dirgha (long breath), box breath

Starting on the back with Jathara Parivartanasana (supine twist) to cradle with a twist, hip rotations. Finding the abdominal  muscles with Tias Little work that we haven’t explored for awhile.  Roll up then roll like a ball.

(Purvottanasana variation (reverse table) work and seated cradle work (Raja Kapotasana variation). Cross squat to Marjariasana (cat), cat rolls.   Raja Kapotasana variation (Swan or king pigeon), Anajeyasana (runner) with hip openers.   Tri Yogas penguin & frog with squashed frog 😛  Balasana (child),  Sukasana variation (pelvis leveler).

Aromatherapy oils here before continuing with the openings. Supta Padangusthasana (supine hamstring stretch) with a weight plate on the other thigh to hold it down.  Ananda Balasana (happy baby),  Supta Baddhakonasana (supine cobbler), savasana (tranquility).

Aromatherapy: Open Heart by Yoga Flow Oils thank you Susan.

Kaliji Tri Yoga Flow class Thurs

Subbing Sandi’s Tri Yoga class so in keeping with the feel of Kaliji this class will be  very much a  flow class.

From the Tri Yoga Flow Manual the class will be a new version that Chandra shared for the Earth 108 series.

The only changes will be in the winter section where we will be on the floor instead of the wall.

I may add in Iyengar work in the standing postures so share with our northern yogi’s before they leave.

Legs & arms strength & stretch Tues

Opening the chest with pranayama over blocks.  With all the pollen in the air we need to really open the chest for full lung cleaning.

Warming up the legs and toes. Onto some hand balancing work with arm strength added in.

Sun Salutations with leg stretches added including inner leg work. Standing strength postures. Keeping the new hip rotators stretch for a few weeks to go from just dating the pose to really loving it.

Some spinal strengthening.  Twists and Forward folds. 

Savasana with aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy tonight is Shanti thank you Susan with Yoga Flow Oils.

Long lean spring legs. Finding the leg strength Fri

Pranayama breath Dirgha, Sun Breath to build some heat for the leg work.

Sun Salutation with hip opener added in see how you like one new one from Tues class.  Onto the real work for today finding the ease within the pose while holding challenging postures that are using the large muscles of the leg.  Lunges, Chair, Balances, Deviasana, horse.  Trust me you will find the strength that we all have in our legs. This is how we move through our days keeping them strong and lean will bring ease to the movements.

Core wore with dolphin/leg lifts,  cobra, sphinx.

Releasing everything with leg lifts to settle the hips and sacrum, hip side stretch to twist the spine, happy baby and rocking the clock for the final releases.

Aromatherapy today is Vata Blend from Yoga Flow Oils.  Thank you Susan

Open the Heart & Open the Hips for a peaceful Thurs

Pranayama by popluar request will be over 2 blocks tonight, just feel the heart opening to receive.

Doing a little core work before moving on to opening the hips and hamstrings with leg stretch, hip circles. Hip side stretch holding this long enough for everything to let go.  Reclined Cobbler up we must go.

Toe stretch, reverse table for more heart opening.  Camel allowing the spine to curve in and up to go back…. yum.  Facedown work with cobras this is a must do for all of us to keep our spine young.

Opposite arm and leg, locust, Bow with assist from me to feel how effortless it can become.

Bridge rolls to full wheel if that is your practice.

Rock the clock low back release, twists and folds.

Aromatherapy  what else Open Heart by Yoga Flow Oils.  Thank you Susan

Getting Hippy tonight at Tyrone Thurs

Subbing for Tee tonight at LFF Tyrone.

Breath work to bring everyone into center  Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana

Toe stretch to remember our feet and be grateful to them for all they do. On to the core work.

Reverse table to open the shoulder find strength in the core. Navasana flow core and balance. Waterwheel to polish off the core.

Leg stretches, hip rotations, spinal rolls. 

Lets get hippy.  Swan outer leg, Penguin and Frog opens the inner leg, Cobbler and Firelog for inner & outer leg. Bridge work with a block for alignment between the legs. Block under the sacrum in bridge for more leg work and a quad opener.  Rock the clock, hip side stretch other twist and folds seeing what needs to be worked on.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Relaxation Blend from Yoga Flow Oils thanks Susan