Category Archives: Hamstrings

Working the Dog & Spine assist Wanda WEd

Wanda started with everyone in three different seated postures. Using these three to access the hips, spine, hamstrings for the work this evening.

Working with Downward Facing Dog  moving into the posture mindfully and with the intention of using the legs for finding length in the spine.

Triangle, 1/2 moon, Revolved Triangle and Revolved 1/2 moon.  Finding the legs (this work is needed for all inversions) and finding the twists in the revolved postures making sure the spine is open and long. The twists starting at the base of the spine and moving upward, trying not to skip over any parts of the spine.

Cool down was the ever popular bridge & leg up with the sacrum resting on a block.

Everyone got homework to get back into inversions, arm balances, and backbends.

Wild Things, Crows, Happy Baby ?? Tues

What is going on tonight in class…. wild things, crows, happy babies.  Yes its is a night of legs, hips and arms.. something for everyone.

Pranayama tonight Dirgha and Box Breath.

Moving right up to standing. Legs, legs, legs will be found tonight.  Lunge a deep lunge both knees bent at 90 degrees pulsing this to feel the heat build slowly in the large muscles of the legs.  Chair ~~ rising knee to chest balance~~ Warrior III~~ Knee to Chest Balance ~~ Warrior II ~~ sets of 3 work for me.  Chair coming up on toes hold and breathe.  That famous other side……. 

Sun Salutes with Down Dog, Wild Thing and Belly of the Dragon,  Dolphin, Dolphin walking the plank, Jumping to Crow, Crow Balance.  As always there is the Cobra’s, Upward Facing Dogs to add to our animal pack tonight.

Reclined Trees, Cobblers (not the fruit kind), Butterflies, Spiders, Happy Babies will close out the class tonight.

Aromatherapy tonight  Relaxing Blend from Yoga Flow Oils  thank you Susan.

Legs & Hips Warm, Fluid & OpenTues

Pranayama  Dirgha & Nadi Shodhana.

Spinal Rolls, Sun Salutations to warm up the body. Standing strength is mixed into the Salutations tonight to add a flowing movement to the postures. No long holds tonight in standing postures.

The longer holds are in the hip openers.  Swan with Swan bows to stretch the outer leg. Runner & extended leg stretch using blocks really opens the hip flexor as well as the hamstrings.

Applying aromatherapy early tonight before heading to the floor for supine leg stretches with a strap. My hope is the aromatherapy will allow the inward focus to come more easily so the stretches can be deep and mindful.

Hip Side Stretch, a nice twist before Happy Baby and Cradle (4 square stretch). Supine wide leg stretch for the inner thighs then releasing to Reclined Cobbler.

Savasana     The hips & hamstrings should be warm and open now allow the heart and mind to do the same.

Aromatherapy tonight is Yoga Nidra by Yoga Flow Oils ~~ Thanks Susan

Tomorrow your journey through the world should be fluid with the opening of the hips and legs. This is my wish for all of you.   Namaste  ~~~~

Balance, toes, fluid spine and strength Thur

Subbing Teresa’s yoga class tonight.  It looks like it is going to be a rainy one, thanks all that were there.

Opening the feet with toe stretch and adding on a balance to this is always a fun way to wake up the body from the ground up.

Sun Salutations with added strength builders either cat bow push-ups or full slant push-up for the upper body.  Down to the floor to open up the spine  Cobra’s, Cobra1/Boat.   Downward dog with 3 leg dog to wild thing added in for fun.

Standing strength, balance tree with a twist.  Natural seat rolls to smooth out the work with the spine.

In the standing strength portion we went over the importance of hip/ankle alignment in Wide Leg Forward fold-Prasarita Padottanasana. As stretching junkies that yogi’s can be we have a tendency to “sit back”  into this stretch (allowing the buttocks to come behind the line of the ankles). In doing this the hamstring is “stretched” too much at its attachment point at the pelvis. If this repedative motion is done often  enough or with too much vigor it can cause tearing at the attachment point.  I moved a few folks hips more in line with the plane of the ankle and it changed the stretch from the attachment area to the length of the hamstring, which is what we want.  Use the mirrors in class to help you find this placement for yourself and then integrate it into your body. This way you will know by how it “feels” so you will be in a safe alignment for the attachments.

Forward folds  and a pelvis leveler.

Aromatherapy is Shanti blend tonight by Yoga Flow Oils  thank you Susan

Golf Balls and Yoga What is going on? Fri

In Natural Seat started with Pranayama.  Center,  focus come inward.  Land in our bodies being present.

Doing alittle warm up cat tilt, cat arch opening the spine. Gentle shoulder openers.. thread the needle, arm circles, chest expansion, side bends. Warmed and ready.

Shoulder opener that can go as deep as you want to.  Face down arms out in a “T” position palms down. Bend left arm and bring palm to floor infront of chest roll onto right side. The body is in a straight line head, shoulders, hips, knees, feet. If this enough of a stretch stop here, if more bend left knee and place foot on floor continue to roll over bringing buttocks to the floor if you can.  Be mindful, be careful… Love yourself. Continue reading Golf Balls and Yoga What is going on? Fri

Turn your World Upside Down Mon

Assisting Wanda in her intermediate/advanced class tonight she continued to work on opening the upper body & shoulder in preparation of inversions. Reminding often to open the collar bones from the sternum outward all the way to the finger tips. The Iyengar way of opening from the midline outward is a tried and true practice for working from your center.

Starting with breathing to center and open the full lung and chest area.  Full complete breaths to help open the collar bones lifting the sternum and opening the heart center. The pectoralis muscles as well as all the shoulder and back muscles must be warmed and open for inversions.

Working with Marjarasana moving each vertebra of the spine~ opening each space slowly and with mindfulness and love.  Continue reading Turn your World Upside Down Mon

Tight Hamstrings like a difficult relative? Learn to let go. Tues

Welcome to all the new folks to class.  I am honored by your trying the class.

Tonights class were worked more on upper body strength as well as hamstrings and always toe stretch. 

The upper body work with dolphin/dolphin plank as well as side plank on the forearms is very strengthening.  It teaches the shoulder/shoulder blade alignment for all yoga asana postures. The stability this ingrains in the shoulders and back creates ease in the harder inversions, hand balances and even backbends.  Finding stability and working from the midline of the body will always make your yoga path safe and enjoyable.

Opening the toes with toe stretch or the more advanced version helps the feet to find their grounding.  With open feet that are well grounded the toes flow out from the foot beautifully like petals on a flower.  Gripping the toes into the ground in any standing postures just adds to the tightness of the calfs and hamstrings.  Let the toes flow Continue reading Tight Hamstrings like a difficult relative? Learn to let go. Tues