Category Archives: Hip Openers

TriYoga Flows, Turns and Breath Mon

Assisting Sandi in the Tri Yoga class 530pm.  There was a request that we make sure to get enough pranayama practice in.  With having only 1 hour 15 minutes Sandi and & I try to get pranayama practice in each time, however sometimes we are wanting to work on some of the important turns and details of the TriYoga practice so pranayama practice my be shorten some.  We will be mindful of this and make sure this is not the case every week. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Breath is life, if we half-breath we half-live. We all want to live fully.

The pranayama practice tonight was parts of the trinity practice which we will bring together in the next several classes.

Cat Rolls to open up the spine. then we worked on breaking down the turns into smaller bites.   Cobra rolls as well as Cobra 1 /Boat  ~~ Cobra 2 flow  opened up the chest and spine some more. Chest expansion in camel then progressed into lifting the knee and rolling over the foot Continue reading TriYoga Flows, Turns and Breath Mon

Hip ~Hip ~~Hooray Opening the Hips tonight!! Tues

We will continue with last weeks theme of opening the hips.

Starting with Pranayama in a seated position to focus and center ourselves.

Working with  Leg Stretch (Ardha Hanumanasana),  Jumping Runner, & Gate (Parighasana) will start the hip opening this evening. The Leg Stretch using blocks so that the hold can be held with some degree of comfort is important.  Either using a block under the buttocks or just to support the upper body will allow the mind to calm (exhaling fully realeases any stress and tension and calms the mind). Both parts of the Leg Stretch are very important to hold for at least 90 seconds but Continue reading Hip ~Hip ~~Hooray Opening the Hips tonight!! Tues

Alignment 101 with chair as visual aid Tues

Today in the tech session at Lifestyles Family Fitness in Seminole we will be working on hip alignment while doing lunges and the lunge twists.

Using a chair as a visual tool to see the knee & hip placement during the various movements.  We will also use the chair for Warrior II and some other moves.

Sitting in the chair on the very front edge so that both sitting bones are in contact with the chair bring right leg to outside of chair as if you are heading into Warrior II.  The right heel is touching the leg of the chair as well as the calf and the knee is bent over the seat. This is the external rotation of the femur as well as the optimal 90 degree angle of the knee/thigh.  Now lets have a look at the hips and shoulders (this is the hard part) Continue reading Alignment 101 with chair as visual aid Tues