Tag Archives: Sciatica Flow

Standing, sitting & shopping hard on the Sciatic Mon 7pm Yum Yum

Yummy gift for yourself for the holidays.   Sciatic love and kindness.

Starting on our back with supported bridge over a bolster to open the heart and the shoulders.  Using sandbags on the shoulders to allow them to drip down to the floor. Pranayama is  Dirgha with Ujjai

Rock the clock, leg stretch with foot pressing into wall,  opening into the wide leg supported with blocks, chair or whatever.   Cradle stretch.  Supported cobbler with blocks or blankets to support the knees and sandbag for the feet props as needed under the hips.   Wide leg Forward Fold.

Standing Sciatic Help is Triangle on the wall, side angle on wall all using blocks.  Bolster twist and bolster child.   Aromatherapy & Savasana

Aromatherapy tonight will be Shanti Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan