Category Archives: Shoulder Openers

Tri Yoga mixing it up with Hatha blend Thurs

Subbing Sandi’s class today.

Pranayama practice over 2 blankets to open the shoulders, heart and chest.

Leg lifts and hip rotations, supine twist to feel how the external hip muscles are doing. Cradle work with a twist. Fingers in the sand shoulder opening.

 Spinal rolls,  a flow of Cats, Downward Dogs, thread the needle and side bends. Standing neck & shoulder openers.  10 churnings to Doug Keller shoulder work on wall. Releasing the shoulder work with shoulder openers using a strap to assist.  Polishing off the shoulders with Karin Stephan’s back bending using a dowel. Chair on the wall to build strength in the legs.

New hip openers to really open the external hip rotators yum yum yoga 😮

Twists, Forward folds.

Aromatherapy: Relaxing Blend from yoga flow oils thank you Susan. 8)

Find that back, muscles that you forget you have. Mon

Wanda was a little under the weather today so I was honored to teach the class tonight. Wanda told me that she wanted to bring in more strength work for the upper body and back for preparation of hand balances.

Standing pranayama: Dirgha (complete breath) adding Ujjayi (victory) breath.  Bringing energy into the body with breath; Breath of Joy. This is a great breath anytime that energy is needed without being too stimulating especially for an evening class.

Opening the shoulders with stretches using just the body and then with a strap. Shoulder roll, swinging the arms forward and back and then in circles. Strap work; side to side, overhead pull downs. Hands clasped behind back  (Yoga Mudra) at the hip and then directly behind opening the chest.   Gomakasana arms (Cow face), Garudasana (Eagle) arms, and trap squeeze.

Doug Keller’s shoulder strengtheners at the wall.  There was a handout for these if you didn’t get one Continue reading Find that back, muscles that you forget you have. Mon

Dental Floss for the Spine Tues

Tonight opening up the spine as well as the shoulders.

The always present toe stretch with the balance from last week as well as an added move to find some more balance using the core.  From toe stretch balance bring the knees together and move into a squat 1 ~ basic hand balance using 2 blocks. Back to squat 1, roll up into a forward fold, upward salute to standing.

Adding another strength move this evening.  From Down Dog  jumping forward (landing lightly) with  feet landing to the outside of our hands then jumping (landing lightly with knees bent) back to Down Dog.

Before the spinal work tonight opening up the chest, armpit area with forearm down dog position.  An added leg lift will call in the balance of the hips and shoulders while lifting and holding the leg up and level.

Backbends (heart openers) tonight will be prone boat, bow, raised cobra, bridge with leg lifts.

Welcome to all the new faces, please come back and transform your life through yoga.

Ending with twists and aromatherapy during savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Ananda blend from Yoga Flow Oils

Golf Balls and Yoga What is going on? Fri

In Natural Seat started with Pranayama.  Center,  focus come inward.  Land in our bodies being present.

Doing alittle warm up cat tilt, cat arch opening the spine. Gentle shoulder openers.. thread the needle, arm circles, chest expansion, side bends. Warmed and ready.

Shoulder opener that can go as deep as you want to.  Face down arms out in a “T” position palms down. Bend left arm and bring palm to floor infront of chest roll onto right side. The body is in a straight line head, shoulders, hips, knees, feet. If this enough of a stretch stop here, if more bend left knee and place foot on floor continue to roll over bringing buttocks to the floor if you can.  Be mindful, be careful… Love yourself. Continue reading Golf Balls and Yoga What is going on? Fri