Pranayama Sahaja, Dirgha over 2 blocks
Using therapy movements to strengthen the neck for the head support used a lot in these core classes. This also helps in daily life for walking around. A strong neck and surrounding muscles allows the head to “float” above the spine with out strain or pulling forward.
Neck Flexors, Neck Rotations, Neck Diagonals. 100 using these new stronger neck muscles. Hip rotations, Leg circles, Roll up, Roll over, Twists, Archer, Roll like a ball. Leg work, waterwheel, twisting bicycle, abdominal twist. Bridge rolls, Open leg rocker, Navasana flow.
Back work to support the abdominal muscles. Back again to therapy work to strengthen the inner and outer thighs. Then stretching out these muscles with Cradle, double pigeon, forward folds and a few twists.
Aromatherapy and down to the floor. Happy baby, supine twist Savasana.
Aromatherapy tonight will be Ananda oil blend from Yoga Flow Oils thank you Susan.
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