Opening the hips to strengthen the body. Tues 745pm

Pranayama over 2 blocks, Sahaja, Dirgha this really prepares the body to open the hips.

Cobbler flow, rocking cobbler, cat rolls, fire hydrant, donkey kicks to gentle side plank.  Puppy pose with shoulder opener.  Downward facing Dog with 1/2 lotus prep,  vinyasa, chair up on toes, Warrior 1, humble warrior, pyramid, warrior 3, yoga splits.  warrior 2, side angle, sun warrior, triangle,  moon triangle, wide leg FF.

Downward Dog, rest in child, Janu sirsansana with folds and twists. aromatherapy, savasana

Aromatherapy tonight will be Relaxing Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan.