Category Archives: Standing Strength

Tri Yoga Flows bringing strength, balance and openings to the body Mon 530pm

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha/Purna,  Nadi Shodhana with holds.

Flowing through Level 1 for the next weeks.

Cat Flows, hip & leg opening, Toe stretch with balance.  Standing strength,  Balancing Chair with a twist.

Squat 1 to Earthtouch flow,  Basic Hand Balance,Twists and Forward folds. Aromatherapy & Tranquility

Aromatherapy tonight will be Vata/Pitta blend from Yoga Flow Oils thank you Susan

Strength, Balnace, Open Hips, Spinal Flows we got it covered Tues 745

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana with holds

Toe Stretching, 10 churnings (Dasha Chalana).  Salutations with variations.   Balance work

Standing strength with our favorite 1/2 moon.  Cobra work for the back

Twists & Forward Folds.   aromatherapy and Savasana

Aromatherapy tonight will be Pitta Blend from Yoga Flow Oils  thank you Susan.

Strength, upper body, core, legs and balance LFF North StPete Mon 730

Subbing for Mike at North St Pete Lifestyles Family Fitness.

Pranayama:  Sahaja, Dirgha

Navasana Flow, Reverse Table, Toe Stretch (if you haven’t done this hold on 😀  

Sun Salutations with hip openers, upper body strength.  Standing Strength,  Twist & Forward Folds

Aromatherapy tonight Shanti Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Tri Yoga Flowing Through Level 1 Mon 530

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha/Purna, KB with holds

Continuing the Level 1 series for the summer.  Palm tree, standing strength, shoulder stretches, spinal flows, few twists.

Aromatherapy then to the wall for inverted rolls and wall work to Tranquility on the wall or roll down to regular Savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Ananda Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Gentle but juicy. Golfballs & Yoga?? Wed 830am

Subbing for Susan’s Hatha yoga class beginner to moderate.

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha breaths. Noticing where the breath is from. Does the chest or the abdomen rise first ?  Taking the time to notice where the breath is today.

Cat Rolls with runner’s stretch and side bend.  Toe Stretch with arm movements. Top of foot stretch.  Seated ankle rotations with pointing and flexing.  Inversion-Eversion leg work for the thighs.

Navasana with Ardha Navasana.  Noticing if using the thighs instead of the abdominal muscles.  Moving to the wall to explore this a little more finding the abdominal muscles in Navasana very fun 🙂   Sukasana forward fold and walking to each side to settle the pelvis.

Standing.  Rolling out the golf balls to stretch the feet.  Noticing how the rolling of the ball opens and warms the feet.   Dasha Chalana the churnings of the joints moving through these with thoughtful awareness.

Balance:  Star— Crane— Tree —- Balance Stick    trying to do these without touching down.

Standing strength series with Warrior 2- Side Angle- Sun Warrior- Triangle- Deviasana- modified Skanda.

To the floor to strengthen the back  Cobra  spinal flows.  Rolling up for twists and forward folds.

Aromatherapy  & Savasana

Aromatherapy this morning is Prana Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Flowing with strength & balance Fri

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Sun breath (Surya Pranayama)

Suryanamaskara  (Sun Salute) with additions of strength building of Dolphin, doplhin plank, side plank,warrior 1 with prayer twist.

Standing strength. Balance of opposite arm and leg, Dance of Shiva, toe balance to floor with cobbler toe balance.

Easy twist and stretches, aromatherapy, savasana.

Aromatherapy is Energizing Blend from Yoga Flow Oils thank you Susan

Yoga basics @ LFF Tyrone 430 Tues

Subbing for Tee at LFF Tyrone.  It is a basics class so here we go back to the Yoga Sutras.

Pranyama: Shaja, Dirgha

Toe stretch, top of foot stretch, calf stretch, cat rolls

Sun Salutations: Basic salutation to look at safe movement from runner to Downward dog back to runner. Safe options for plank pushup to Cobra or upward facing dog.  Using blocks during this will help.

Standing strength: Wide Leg forward fold and looking at alignment of hips and feet. Triangle, side angle, Warrior 2, 1/2 moon, Deviasana, Skanda.

Balance:  Tree & Dancer  

Hip openers pigeon/swan with added thigh stretch, double pigeon, twists and forward folds.

Aromatherapy and Savasana

Aromatherapy blend is Shanti Blend from Yoga Flow Oils thank you Susan

Worshop overview from Chandra mon 530p

Pranayama breath work:  Sahaja, Dirgha, Shining skull breath

Toe stretch, top of foot stretch, calf stretch with arm work. Cat bow 1 &2

Standing series. Prone work  moving from cat to facedown & extended child to facedown.  Forward folds and twist.  

Aromatherapy,  supine twist.

Aromatherapy  Relaxing  blend from Yoga Flow Oils thank you Susan

Pranayama after rolling up new pranayama from my 500 hour training.

Strengthening the arms & moving the spine. Thurs

Prananyama:  Supine in Bridge prep moving with the breath to slowly fill the lungs while also waking the spine with bridge rolls.

Supta Tadasana using different arm movements to lengthen the side body and open the shoulders. Rolling like a ball to warm the spine.  Reverse table to build strength and openness in the upper body as well as balance & strength in the legs.  Cross squat to cat and cat rolls.  From cat moving to opposite arm and leg balance.  Hip circles. Thread the needle for the  shoulders as well as half dog.

Downward facing dog, pigeon,  swan rolls for hips and spine. Chair with Chair twist and balance.

Warrior 1, Revolved Triangle, Pyramid.  Eagle balance, wide leg forward fold, Skanda, forearm plank, forearm dog, side plank with many options.  Face down shoulder opener.

Dandasana, seated forward fold, Navasana, seated wide leg forward fold. Janu Sirsasana with twist, mermaid stretch, cobbler, cobbler/star forward fold.  Aromatherapy and Savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Dharma blend from Yoga Flow Oils thank you Susan 8)

Finding the Warrior(Hero) in us then adding a twist. Tues

Pranayama: Dirgha (long breath), Nadi Shodhana (channel clearing breath) Anuloma Viloma.

Advancing the toe stretch with one leg in squat other leg/foot in toe stretch, buttocks can be on block.  Gently lowering the torso back to come onto the elbows.  On one side I use a block under my elbows (that floor is lower on one side I think ha ha 😛 )  Top of foot stretch  adding in the thigh stretch.  Calf stretch with arm work.

Cat rolls for the flow of the spine. Up to standing.

Standing strength: Warrior work.  I made some confusion a few weeks back with this warrior series so we are going to break it down and do it a couple of times.

Standing, upward salute, forward fold, flat back extend, runner back knee down, crescent warrior, raised crescent warrior, sweep through runner to warrior 3, warrior 1, revolved triangle, revolved 1/2 moon, revolved triangle, inhale to lift up into chest expansion, Parsvottanasana,  Downward facing dog, vinyasa, flow to standing and other side.  We may do each side 2 times  alternating sides to really feel the flow.

Balance: been leaving this out toooo much.  Knee to chest, balance stick, star, knees to chest add twist.

Forward fold to squat 1 for alternating leg lifts, hand balance to floor.

L-seat forward fold, Janu Sirsasana twist toward straight leg, twist away from straight leg, L-seat Forward fold and other side.  Cobbler, sukasana.  aromatherapy oils    Savasana

Aromatherapy tonight will be Ananda Blend from Yoga Flow Oils thank you Susan