Category Archives: Upper Body Strength

Opening the hips and shoulders, adding balancing and core. Tues 745pm

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana

Cat rolls, cat hip circles, toe stretch, neck stretches, shoulder rolls. Nice and juicy ready to move. Reverse table, roll like a ball, Navasana flow, Can Can.  Bridge rolls, hip rotations, hip side stretch to release these muscles.

Balance: Forward fold to squat, raised standing 1 &2, Shiva balance, Chair twist with balance.

Sun Salutations with some twists and swings added in. A Little dolphin, cat, child, rock.   Twists and Forward folds close the class.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Shanti Blend from Yoga Flow oils, thank you Susan

The wall, the Teacher Mon 530pm

Working on the wall tonight to refine our alignment.  The wall helps us “feel” things we can’t see.

Pranayama:  Sahaja, Dirgha, Skull Shining with holds

Opening the hips, shoulders and heart with a few seated stretches. Moving to standing  at the wall will wall hang, wall lift and warrior.  Balance with raised standing.

Hip openers with swan, gentle wave spinal flow. Aromatherapy then back to the wall to finish the wall series on the back.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Ananda from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Arching 1/2 Moon? Yup come balance & flow. Tues 745pm

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Sun Breath

Flowing Vinyasa to open the hips and warm the legs and spine.

Standing strength:  Skanda, Warriors and  Half moon and arching half moon.  Arching Half Moon is a posture we will work on to continue with the balance building of Half Moon.  I remember when Half Moon was a posture that was alittle “out there” for almost everyone, now however, everyone floats into the posture with beauty and grace. Most of the time anyway, we all have our balance challenge days. 😀 Building on the strength of the back with Cobra rolls.  Twists, Forward Folds.  Aromatherapy & Savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Open Heart from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Putting everything together. Fluid Fun Flows. Mon 530

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana, Analoma Viloma

Everything is a fluid flow tonight.  Cat bows, swan, heel presses, standing strength with Warrior 1 added in.  Toe balance, cobra flows, bridge, hip side stretch, basic hand balance, butterfly, twists.    Aaaah flowing. 😀

Aromatherapy tonight will be Relaxing Blend, from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Fitness Ball Fun, working the core. Tues 530

Sitting on the fitness ball for the breathing practice: Sahaja, Dirgha, Sun breath.

This class will be fun and funny as we work on the fitness balls and discover how hard the core needs to work to keep the stability of the body and the ball.

Bouncing, twists, holding the ball with motion, sitting on the ball, kneeling beside the ball, and being prone on the ball.   Fun with core work is what this class will be tonight.  😛

As always aromatherapy, relaxation/meditation and savasana will close the class.

Aromatherapy will be Dharma blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Balance, strength and opening the feet. Fri 1115

Pranayama: Finding center with the breath. Sahaja, Dirgha, Anuloma Viloma

Building strength in the shoulders with Cat Bow 1 & Cat Bow 2. Opening the hips with 3 leg dog, pigeon. Opening the feet before standing strength. Toe stretch, toe balance, cobbler balance, top of foot stretch and the calf and ankle stretch.

Standing strength, to balance chair with a twist.  Building strength in the legs as well as balance by moving from Forward fold to squat. Twists and forward folds before aromatherapy oils and Savasana.

Aromatherapy today will be Open Heart from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan.

Strengthen the body to flow through summer. Mon 530pm

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, shining skull with holds.

Spinal flows with Pyramid 1 rolls, Triangle, Toe Stretch, Toe Balance.  Extended Mountain to work deeper into the hips and legs. Extended bend with shoulder stretch. 

Cat rolls and Cat bows adding in if got cat bows down moving into extended cat bows.  Cobra flows with cobra twist added in.  Half Locust & Opposite arm and leg lift to strengthen the back muscles on a diagonal.

Cooling down on the wall with wall hang, wall lift, gentle warrior, water fall, squat 1.   Lowering to floor and away from the wall for leg stretch, knees to chest twist, reclined butterfly with twist.  Savasana

Aromatherapy tonight Prana from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan.

Strength, upper body, core, legs and balance LFF North StPete Mon 730

Subbing for Mike at North St Pete Lifestyles Family Fitness.

Pranayama:  Sahaja, Dirgha

Navasana Flow, Reverse Table, Toe Stretch (if you haven’t done this hold on 😀  

Sun Salutations with hip openers, upper body strength.  Standing Strength,  Twist & Forward Folds

Aromatherapy tonight Shanti Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

New Class Finding Core Strength Tues 530

  😛   Starting two new classes at Yoga 4 All   Tues class will involve working the core with Yoga, Pilates and other disciplines. The other class starts July 8th and will be an intermediate to advanced class.

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Sun Breath

Toe stretch, top of foot stretch.

TriYoga hip rotations, rolling like a ball, roll over, toe and heel taps, navasana flow.

Side plank flow with  twists, holding plank with leg lifts.  Leg work for the buttocks. Quad stretches before TriYoga camel work.

Onto the back supporting muscles with cobra flow series.

Twists, forward folds  aromatherapy, Savasana

Aromatherapy tonight will be Shanti Blend from Yoga Flow Oils thank you Susan. 🙂

Flowing with strength & balance Fri

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Sun breath (Surya Pranayama)

Suryanamaskara  (Sun Salute) with additions of strength building of Dolphin, doplhin plank, side plank,warrior 1 with prayer twist.

Standing strength. Balance of opposite arm and leg, Dance of Shiva, toe balance to floor with cobbler toe balance.

Easy twist and stretches, aromatherapy, savasana.

Aromatherapy is Energizing Blend from Yoga Flow Oils thank you Susan