Category Archives: Balance

Adding to the standing flow…lets go. Tues 745pm Shanti Flow

Pranayama:  Easy seat sun breath.

Cat rolls, child to cobra flow, lift them up rhomboid work, table balance, donkey kicks, gate, pigeon, 1/4 dog with blocks adding a twist.  Gentle flow to standing strength.  Chair, Warrior 1, Pyramid, Warrior 3, Yoga Splits, vinyasa repeating other side   🙂  Warrior 2, side angle, sun warrior, triangle, moon triangle, wide leg forward fold, other side. Hindi squat, janu sirsasna, wide leg forward fold, cradle or fire log stack.  aromatherapy to rock the clock and supine twist to savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight will be  Vatta/Pitta Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Balance and strength. Tues 745pm Shanti Flow

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana

Standing shoulder openers with strap.  Sun Salutations with hip openers (I have got a new one for you), runner with leg warmers, runner twist, warrior 1 variation, chair with twists.

Standing strength: Deviasana with temple stretch, Warrior 1 series,  warrior 1, warrior 3, pyramid, revolved triangle, revolved half moon, revolved triangle, pyramid, standing split to forward fold.  repeating other side.

Toe balance to the floor,  a few twists and forward folds before aromatherapy and savasana

Aromatherapy tonight will be Ananda Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan.

Opening the hips, while building strength. Friday 1115

Pranayama over 2 blocks this really helps to open the hips.

Wide feet supine twist, cobbler flow, kneeling table circles, fire hydrant with circles, donkey kicks. Toe stretch & toe balance, Lunges with 1/2 hanuman, crescent lunge to empty heart lunge.  Downward Dog to pigeon alternating sides. Swami series breath work.   Warrior 1 with strap behind, pyramid with strap, dancer with strap.   Gentle cobra, bow, camel series, vajrasana releases,  seated wide leg FF and twist.  aromatherapy and savasana.

Aromatherapy today will be Prana Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Triyengar yoga tonight Mon 530

A blend tonight of TriYoga and Iyengar  the two I just love.

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Kapalabhati with retention

Hip openers and gentle forward stretches to open the spine. Toe stretch & toe balance.  10 churnings to open the body to flow. Gentle modified Sun Salutation, Shiva Balance, cat bows.  Standing strength, basic squat to basic hand balance.  building some core strength.  Hip side stretch as well as a few other forward folds and twists. savasana

 Aromatherapy tonight will be Relaxing Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Feeling the flow of Fall. Friday 1115am

Pranayama: standing breath work, Sahaja, Dirgha, Sun breaths.

Swan and Down dog moves to open hips, adding in Cat bows along with extended cat bows.  Balance tree and half stance. Cobra 2, Locust, Half tortoise twists.  Bridge rolls, hip side stretch, supine cobbler. Aromatherapy, savasana.

Aromatherapy today will be Anxiety Ease Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan.

Flowing into Fall Yeah! Mon 530

Finally the feeling of cooler air has arrived and brought a smile to most of our faces.  Let’s flow with this coolness.

Pranayama Standing:  Sahaja, Dirgha, gentle Sun Breaths.

Gentle flow with swan and down dogs to open the hips, adding on with 3 leg dog. Cat bow 1 with extended cats and moving into the more advanced extended cat bows.   Building some strength in the upper body with Down Dog to Plank and sustaining plank.  Balance  Tree, Extended tree,Half stance and extended half stance.

Opening into some gentle back bends with cobra 2, extended child, cat tuck, facedown.  Locust lifts to extended child.  Half tortoise adding twists.  Ending with bridge rolls, hip side stretch, reclined cobbler. Oils & savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight will be  Ananada Blend by Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Feeling Hippy. Friday 1115am

WOW it feels like I haven’t seen everyone for a month…   Well that is about right.  Really missed you all and wanted to give you a sweet treat of a nice hip opening class.

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha over blocks opening the thoracic to open the hips.

This class will be a gentle restorative class that will allow the hips to open and let go.  Leg lifts, leg stretch, reclined tree, hip side stretch, Happy Baby,  reclined cradle, wide leg stretch, cobbler .  Standing for a gentle sun salute to feel the newly open hips.  Balance of just lifting up to toes and back down opening the feet as well as balancing.  Janu Sirsasana twist and forward folds.   Time for aromatherapy and Savasana.  Restore, relax and let go.

Aromatherapy today will be Shanti Blend from Yoga Flow oils, thank you Susan

Rolling with the Ball Core Tues 530

I love the fitness ball and I know some of you don’t, perhaps we can change this for you.

Working tonight with the large ball and really working the legs/hamstrings in a number of these movements. The abs will also get a great workout before we move up to the arms and back.

warm up postures ball bridge, chest openers, neck lengthening.  Frog hip release and a nice hip opening twist.  Bridge rolls with the feet on the ball, chin nod , ab prep.

Sitting on the ball for ab prep, small crunches. strengthening the back with gentle cobra work and a shell stretch to open everything back up.

100’s seated on the ball, 1/2 roll back and full roll up.  Onto the back for leg circles, twisting oblique, scissors, full bridge lift the lift and lower the leg.  Roll overs with ball between ankles.

Drape over the ball then to superman on ball, oblique roll back, locust, push ups,then onto the stretches before aromatherapy and savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Dharma Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Spinal flow and standing strength. Tues 745pm

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana

Flowing through Sun salutation easy and gentle then adding in Upward dog to Downward dog swings, swan, and runners hamstring stretch.  Gate, then into the standing strength.  Balance: Tree to extending leg forward then extending back to airplane.  Breathing and balancing, centering the body.

 Uttanasana to squat one moving back & forth between these two movements to Hand Balance.  Seated forward folds and twists round out the night.   Aromatherapy then rock the clock before releasing into Savasana.

Aromatherapy this evening will be Relaxing Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Opening the hips, building strength in the back. Mon 530

Pranayama:  Sahaja, Dirgha, Shining skull  with holds

Moving right into the flow with a gentle sun salutation adding swan and extended mountain to open the hips.  Toe balance to toe stretch to open the feet.  Keeping in touch with the upper body with cat bow 2 flow.  Opening up the neck and awakening the crown chakra with rabbit.

Building and maintaining back strength with cobra rolls, locust.  Standing balance with Shiva.  From forward fold to squat 1 finding the core with extended squat then to hand balance. Forward fold and twists before aromatherapy & Savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Anxiety Ease from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan