Category Archives: Standing Strength

Stirring up the body with 10 churnings and more Thurs

Pranayama  Dirgha, Sun breath 😀

Sun Salutations with Swan, Hip openers, Warrior 1 with breath and twist.

Balance: Shiva dance

Standing strength tonight will have some balance in it with 1/2 moon. The we will do the upper body strengthener from a squat to extended leg stretch.  Hand balance.

Double pigeon and a few twists and forward folds

Aromatherapy tonight Relaxing Blend from Yoga Flow oils thank you Susan.

Let’s twist again then balance for fun. Tues

Prananyama: Dirgha, Kapalabhati slow.

Opening the shoulders before Wild Thing and Belly of the Dragon.  One more week of the hip stretches that every one loves and makes faces at. 🙂   Working the core with Dolphin and side planks with twists to really work the whole abdominal area including the obliques.

Standing strength the regular series with 1/2 moon for balance. Then we are going to deepen the balance aspect by working into Warrior 3, Warrior 1, Revolved Triangle, Revolved 1/2 moon.  These are difficult postures that one must have an inward focus to find your breath and freedom in the posture. Where is the edge between opening and force, the line between stretch and too much effort? The mind and body will serve up a feast of feelings, each breath another chance to deepen and release into the posture or time to back out.

More twists.

Aromatherapy will be Dharma from Yoga Flow Oils.. thank you Susan

Savasana           See you all in 2 weeks.  Many blessings

TIYENGAR what is that? TriYoga & Iyengar mixed Mon

Pranayama: Dirgha worked with Doug Keller’s Dirgha breath for complete breath work. Bringing much more awareness to the mid-lung breath. I encourage everyone to try this at home to see if it brings peace to the breath work. Slow Kapalabhati breath with inhale holds.

Bringing two of my favorite styles of yoga together with TriYoga- meditation in motion- and Iyengar- detailed work with holds to open the body for movement and meditation.

cat rolls to open the spine, few jump out to pyramid and back to toe balance. Karin Stephan’s wall work then to TriYoga’s wall work to open the side body, heart, back and legs. Yum!! Spent time with this as everyone really needed the side body work.

On to standing strength and flowing with the breath.

To supine to stretch the hips and twist the body to release any toxin that were in there. Slowly moved through these postures with assists and adjustments so everyone felt yummy.

Aromatherapy will be Shanti from Yoga Flow Oils thank you Susan.


The work of Master Teacher Karin Stephan Fri

Pranayama Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana.

Standing strength using a strap to find the side body. Runner with the new hip openers that seem to be working so well for everyone. Standing postures with holds.

Balance Tree with variations. Toe stretch

Twists and forward folds including Trianga Mukhaikapada Pascimottanasana. (Promised Karin I would teach this more 🙂 

Aromatherapy Pitta Blend from Yoga Flow Oils thank you Susan.

Flowing into spring with TriYoga Thurs

Covering Sandi’s Tri Yoga class we just did a flow class with 1-2 things of Iyengar work added in.

Nice side body opening with palm tree then earth-touch to cat rolls, natural rolls, jumps from Mountain to pyramid 1 to toe balance to wake up the feet and legs.  Balanced chair that we have not done in a while.

Mountain to swan alternating sides then into swan bows.  This is where I added a little Iyengar work in with the elbow on blocks to lengthen the spine head also placed on block. 

Standing flow with Triangle, side warrior, warrior, pyramid and pyramid twists.

Cat bows with the cat tuck added in. Rabbit and extended rabbit then to facedown and spinal strengthening  work. Cobra rolls, locust.  Cross L-seat twist moving into serenity twist and forward fold. few more twists and folds then aromatherapy oils and savasana.

Aromatherapy today was Ananda Blend thank you Susan.

Inspired by Karin Stephan master teacher Iyengar style Tues

After working with master teacher Karin Stephan for 5 days the class could only be an Iyengar bases class.

Pranayama: Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana

Cat rolls to open the spine and calf stretch to ready the legs for more work.

Sun Salutation:  Working the side body by placing strap at end of mat, leading with the wrists to lift up into modified Warrior 1 really bringing intelligence to the side body. The new hip external hip rotator stretch that is hard but works well we will keep for awhile longer. Wide Leg Forward Fold with sways as deep as needed to open the inner leg. On to standing postures really working the legs.

Balance tonight was Tree with variations for everyone to pick which one they wanted to work on tonight.

Everyone thought I had forgot toe stretch and toe balance but no. To the floor for this work.

A posture I don’t teach much Trianga Mukaikapada Pascimottanasana (and not because it takes so long to say) was one we worked on tonight.  Using the strap for this forward fold. This is one Karin Stephan wants to see added into more classes. Twists and a few other folds.

Aromatherapy tonight was Relaxing blend. Thank you Susan.

Savasana was very still tonight and you all welcomed it with open arms and hearts.  Very well done.

TrIyengar What!! Mon

Well working with a master Iyengar teacher over the weekend it just flowed into the Tri Yoga class.  So it turned into a mix of Tri Yoga & Iyengar  so TrIyengar get it. 🙂

Pranayama Complete breath then Nadi Shodhana.

Cat rolls. Sun Salutation with swan to mountain move.  Held swan for swan bows then added some Iyengar work from the weekend. In Swan place two blocks under the elbows, forearms toward each other and create a cup with your hands for your face. Lengthening out the back releasing the hips down cooling the mind. After 5 breaths here move the blocks forward until the hands are long and still on blocks add another block under the forehead to further settle into the posture.  This was so nice most in class didn’t want to come back up.

Toe stretch and toe balance to wake up the feet.

Flowing back up and into Standing.  To the wall with shoulder work by Doug Keller preparing the shoulders and back for standing postures.  Shoulder swings and rolls to release the shoulders.

Standing flow of Pyramid,  Pyramid sways, Forward Salute, Triangle, Side Warrior, Warrior 2.

Some twists & forward folds.

Aromatherapy was Prana Blend tonight from Yoga Flow Oils. Thank you Susan.

Kaliji Tri Yoga Flow class Thurs

Subbing Sandi’s Tri Yoga class so in keeping with the feel of Kaliji this class will be  very much a  flow class.

From the Tri Yoga Flow Manual the class will be a new version that Chandra shared for the Earth 108 series.

The only changes will be in the winter section where we will be on the floor instead of the wall.

I may add in Iyengar work in the standing postures so share with our northern yogi’s before they leave.

Legs & arms strength & stretch Tues

Opening the chest with pranayama over blocks.  With all the pollen in the air we need to really open the chest for full lung cleaning.

Warming up the legs and toes. Onto some hand balancing work with arm strength added in.

Sun Salutations with leg stretches added including inner leg work. Standing strength postures. Keeping the new hip rotators stretch for a few weeks to go from just dating the pose to really loving it.

Some spinal strengthening.  Twists and Forward folds. 

Savasana with aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy tonight is Shanti thank you Susan with Yoga Flow Oils.

Tri Yoga Flow is How we go Mon

After the weekend workshop with Kaliji the only thing to do is a pure flow class.

Starting with Pranayama complete breath done over 2 blocks.

Flows for this class came from the Flow Manual with cat bow 1 with the added breath change from the workshop. Second round will have cat bow 2. Swan rolls and Swan bows.  Standing posture flows.

Seated twists  and supine twists.

Savasana and Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy tonight is Ananda blend from Yoga Flow Oils thank you Susan.