Well working with a master Iyengar teacher over the weekend it just flowed into the Tri Yoga class. So it turned into a mix of Tri Yoga & Iyengar so TrIyengar get it. 🙂
Pranayama Complete breath then Nadi Shodhana.
Cat rolls. Sun Salutation with swan to mountain move. Held swan for swan bows then added some Iyengar work from the weekend. In Swan place two blocks under the elbows, forearms toward each other and create a cup with your hands for your face. Lengthening out the back releasing the hips down cooling the mind. After 5 breaths here move the blocks forward until the hands are long and still on blocks add another block under the forehead to further settle into the posture. This was so nice most in class didn’t want to come back up.
Toe stretch and toe balance to wake up the feet.
Flowing back up and into Standing. To the wall with shoulder work by Doug Keller preparing the shoulders and back for standing postures. Shoulder swings and rolls to release the shoulders.
Standing flow of Pyramid, Pyramid sways, Forward Salute, Triangle, Side Warrior, Warrior 2.
Some twists & forward folds.
Aromatherapy was Prana Blend tonight from Yoga Flow Oils. Thank you Susan.
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