All posts by Nancy MacDonald

Spinal flow and standing strength. Tues 745pm

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana

Flowing through Sun salutation easy and gentle then adding in Upward dog to Downward dog swings, swan, and runners hamstring stretch.  Gate, then into the standing strength.  Balance: Tree to extending leg forward then extending back to airplane.  Breathing and balancing, centering the body.

 Uttanasana to squat one moving back & forth between these two movements to Hand Balance.  Seated forward folds and twists round out the night.   Aromatherapy then rock the clock before releasing into Savasana.

Aromatherapy this evening will be Relaxing Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Flluid flex bands for strength. Tues 530pm Core

Pranayama to center and settle into practice.  Sahaja, Dirgha, Box breath

Using the flex band for upper body strength as well as the core.  Adding the resistance of the bands to the class increases the work to your level.  Holding the bands closer = harder, at then end of the band easier.  It is your class and you can adjust to any injuries or areas that need to work a little harder.

Adding the bands to the leg work you will really feel the small movements of the inner muscles which will fatigue somewhat faster.  The bands are always fun and they are purple so how can you not love the bands. 😛

Aromatherapy tonight will be Relaxing Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

More for the back & shoulders Yoga Thearpy. 7pm Yum Yum

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana

Starting with finding the transverse abdoninals, multifindus, & pelvic diaphragm muscles and using them to understand the importance for the back  & neck and overall wellness.  Building strength in the glutes with clam shell and bridge then release into child.  Onto chair work tonight to strengthen the lower body, hip drops, chair squats, toe raises, wall push ups, Step downs, calf stretch, chair twist at wall.

Coming to floor for Aromatherapy which will be Anxiety Ease Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan.

Chin nods and circles.  Neck opener for savasana.  Can have legs up wall.

Opening the hips, building strength in the back. Mon 530

Pranayama:  Sahaja, Dirgha, Shining skull  with holds

Moving right into the flow with a gentle sun salutation adding swan and extended mountain to open the hips.  Toe balance to toe stretch to open the feet.  Keeping in touch with the upper body with cat bow 2 flow.  Opening up the neck and awakening the crown chakra with rabbit.

Building and maintaining back strength with cobra rolls, locust.  Standing balance with Shiva.  From forward fold to squat 1 finding the core with extended squat then to hand balance. Forward fold and twists before aromatherapy & Savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Anxiety Ease from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Gentle openings and active standing strength. Fri 1115

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha over two blocks to open the heart and shoulders.

Opening the hips with leg lifts, reclined tree, hip side stretch, happy baby, cradle, wide leg stretch, cobbler, toe stretch.

Standing strength with wide leg stretches. Twists and forward folds close the class.

Aromatherapy today will be Energizing Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Strong & Long Yum Yum Yoga Thurs 7pm

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana

Opening the feet, ankles, shoulders and wrists before we start tonight.   Easy seat forward fold, mula rolls. Strengthening the back with Cobra series.

Stretching out the body with bridge rolls, hips side stretch, leg lifts and stretches, hip rotations, happy baby, cradle and a few twists to round out the class.  Fingers in the sand to relax the shoulders. Aromatherapy & Savasana, meditation.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Relaxing Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Opening the hips and shoulders, adding balancing and core. Tues 745pm

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana

Cat rolls, cat hip circles, toe stretch, neck stretches, shoulder rolls. Nice and juicy ready to move. Reverse table, roll like a ball, Navasana flow, Can Can.  Bridge rolls, hip rotations, hip side stretch to release these muscles.

Balance: Forward fold to squat, raised standing 1 &2, Shiva balance, Chair twist with balance.

Sun Salutations with some twists and swings added in. A Little dolphin, cat, child, rock.   Twists and Forward folds close the class.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Shanti Blend from Yoga Flow oils, thank you Susan

Small fitness ball to refine the core moves. Tues 530pm

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana to bring focus to mind for this detailed work.

Using the small fitness ball tonight will bring more awareness to the small movements of the legs and core.  At times the ball will be placed between the thighs, knees or ankles to add difficulty to the movements.  Other times the ball may be placed behind the body as a reminder to not sink into the low back but to pull the core up and use these muscles to stabilize the torso.   We will be awakening some deep muscles tonight and still have lots of laughs.

Twists and stretches to release the muscles and forward folds to cool the mind will end the class.  Aromatherapy tonight will be Shanti Blend.

Aromatherapy Shanti Blend from Yoga Flow Oils,  thank you Susan

Low Back Relief..Yum Yum Yoga 7pm

Pranayama over a folded blanket to open the heart as well as the body. Sahaja, Dirgha, Box Breath

Continuing on the floor using Sun breaths as the connecting thread throughout tonight’s class.  Bridging, Chin nod & lift,  Finding Table Top, Recline Tree, Cobbler, Supine Twist, Lumbar Rotation.  All the previous postures will be linked with Sun Breath between each posture.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Ananda Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

The wall, the Teacher Mon 530pm

Working on the wall tonight to refine our alignment.  The wall helps us “feel” things we can’t see.

Pranayama:  Sahaja, Dirgha, Skull Shining with holds

Opening the hips, shoulders and heart with a few seated stretches. Moving to standing  at the wall will wall hang, wall lift and warrior.  Balance with raised standing.

Hip openers with swan, gentle wave spinal flow. Aromatherapy then back to the wall to finish the wall series on the back.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Ananda from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan