Pranayama: Dirgha (long breath), Nadi Shodhana (channel clearing breath) Anuloma Viloma.
Advancing the toe stretch with one leg in squat other leg/foot in toe stretch, buttocks can be on block. Gently lowering the torso back to come onto the elbows. On one side I use a block under my elbows (that floor is lower on one side I think ha ha ) Top of foot stretch adding in the thigh stretch. Calf stretch with arm work.
Cat rolls for the flow of the spine. Up to standing.
Standing strength: Warrior work. I made some confusion a few weeks back with this warrior series so we are going to break it down and do it a couple of times.
Standing, upward salute, forward fold, flat back extend, runner back knee down, crescent warrior, raised crescent warrior, sweep through runner to warrior 3, warrior 1, revolved triangle, revolved 1/2 moon, revolved triangle, inhale to lift up into chest expansion, Parsvottanasana, Downward facing dog, vinyasa, flow to standing and other side. We may do each side 2 times alternating sides to really feel the flow.
Balance: been leaving this out toooo much. Knee to chest, balance stick, star, knees to chest add twist.
Forward fold to squat 1 for alternating leg lifts, hand balance to floor.
L-seat forward fold, Janu Sirsasana twist toward straight leg, twist away from straight leg, L-seat Forward fold and other side. Cobbler, sukasana. aromatherapy oils Savasana
Aromatherapy tonight will be Ananda Blend from Yoga Flow Oils thank you Susan