Here we go with the flow of the core. Welcoming in the fall with a strong center to live from. The holidays are soon here so get into a natural rhythm of work, fun, exercise and rest so you won’t be thrown off your center.
Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Box breath.
Review chin nods, pilates lift
100’s, leg circles, roll up, rolling like a ball, roll over, single leg stretch, double leg stretch. Toe tap heel work, open leg, roll back & twist, cat rolls. Forearm plank add twist, bring it up a notch with side plank and twist, sustain plank and lift leg, child pose rest.
Abdominal twists with leg variations including can can. Back work to balance out the front body. Side leg series; front & back kicks, lift and lower, circles, inner thigh, heel beats before doing the other side. Forward folds and twist to end the practice. Aromatherapy & Savasana
Aromatherapy tonight will be Shanti Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan
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