Category Archives: Core Work

Fitness Ball Fun, working the core. Tues 530

Sitting on the fitness ball for the breathing practice: Sahaja, Dirgha, Sun breath.

This class will be fun and funny as we work on the fitness balls and discover how hard the core needs to work to keep the stability of the body and the ball.

Bouncing, twists, holding the ball with motion, sitting on the ball, kneeling beside the ball, and being prone on the ball.   Fun with core work is what this class will be tonight.  😛

As always aromatherapy, relaxation/meditation and savasana will close the class.

Aromatherapy will be Dharma blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

The Core and More. Tues 530pm

Standing Pranayama:  Sahaja, Dirgha, Sun

Standing 100’s from Pilates.  Toe Balance, toe stretch, top of foot stretch, ankle stretch.  Neck work continues tonight.

Roll like a ball, roll up, roll down,  cross crawl sets, seal, frog.  Cat rolls for the spine, buttock tighteners, and onto the legs.   Shoulder openers with strap, Twist and Forward folds, Aromatherapy, Savasana

Aromatherapy tonight is Relaxing Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Core and Balance tonight Tues 745pm

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana with holds.

Mixing in some Pilates tonight because yoga can’t compete with Pilates for core work.  So tonight will be a mix of Yoga & Pilates.

100 and see what you think of this pranayama practice.  Tri Yoga Hip rotations, Roll over, Roll up  adding in Archer twist.  Roll like a ball.  Waterwheel,  Abdominal twists from yoga with a twist of Can Can thrown in.  😀      Bridge rolls, roll up and over to prone for Sphinx, Cobra 2, opposite arm and leg.  Child

Toe stretch, Toe Balance, Forward Fold to Standing. Wide leg forward fold, Skanda, Warrior 1, Balance with twist, Warrior1, Warrior 3, Warrior 1, 1/2 moon, arching 1/2 moon, dancer, forward fold. other side

Deviasana with shoulder twist,  Wide Leg Forward Fold with twist.

Toe balance to floor, runners stretch, cobbler,  Janu Sirsasana. Aromatherapy, Savasana. 

Aromatherapy tonight is  Anxiety Ease Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Building the neck to support the core. Tues 530pm

Pranayama Sahaja, Dirgha over 2 blocks

Using therapy movements to strengthen the neck for the head support used a lot in these core classes.  This also helps in daily life for walking around.  A strong neck and surrounding muscles allows the head to “float” above the spine with out strain or pulling forward.

Neck Flexors, Neck Rotations, Neck Diagonals.   100 using these new stronger neck muscles. Hip rotations, Leg circles, Roll up, Roll over,  Twists, Archer, Roll like a ball. Leg work, waterwheel, twisting bicycle, abdominal twist.  Bridge rolls, Open leg rocker, Navasana flow.

Back work to support the abdominal muscles.   Back again to therapy work to strengthen the inner and outer thighs.  Then stretching out these muscles with Cradle, double pigeon, forward folds and a few twists.

Aromatherapy and down to the floor. Happy baby, supine twist  Savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Ananda oil blend from Yoga Flow Oils thank you Susan.

Strength, upper body, core, legs and balance LFF North StPete Mon 730

Subbing for Mike at North St Pete Lifestyles Family Fitness.

Pranayama:  Sahaja, Dirgha

Navasana Flow, Reverse Table, Toe Stretch (if you haven’t done this hold on 😀  

Sun Salutations with hip openers, upper body strength.  Standing Strength,  Twist & Forward Folds

Aromatherapy tonight Shanti Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Adding the core to help hand balances in the future. Tues 745

Summer solstice was last night and still today so lets focus inward and allow healing.

Last weeks hand balancing went very well, however the core work just makes it so much easier so we will be adding in some Pilates based work and see how much of a difference it makes.  8)

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Sun Breath moving hands up the mid-line to swan dive down toward feet.

Using 2 blocks for squat work, lowering to the floor and back up. Sustaining the squat and extending one leg and holding then the other. Hand balance Tolasana.  Toe stretches, foot stretch and ankle/calf stretch.

Roll like a ball,  Navasana flow.  Knees to chest ab work we did a couple of weeks ago just to keep it fresh in the body. 

Cat rolls. Standing strength.

Balance fun:  Star    Crane    Tree   Balance stick as a flow no touching down if you can help it.  Chair with twist up to a balance posture.  Twists and forward folds before aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy will be Shanti tonight from Yoga Flow Oils thanks Susan.

New Class Finding Core Strength Tues 530

  😛   Starting two new classes at Yoga 4 All   Tues class will involve working the core with Yoga, Pilates and other disciplines. The other class starts July 8th and will be an intermediate to advanced class.

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Sun Breath

Toe stretch, top of foot stretch.

TriYoga hip rotations, rolling like a ball, roll over, toe and heel taps, navasana flow.

Side plank flow with  twists, holding plank with leg lifts.  Leg work for the buttocks. Quad stretches before TriYoga camel work.

Onto the back supporting muscles with cobra flow series.

Twists, forward folds  aromatherapy, Savasana

Aromatherapy tonight will be Shanti Blend from Yoga Flow Oils thank you Susan. 🙂

Watching the breath flow with the Asanas mon

Having a blended class tonight with beginners class, Tri Yoga class, and Wanda’s advanced class all together in one room….. what fun.  😉

Pranayama: Dirgha (long/complete breath)  Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril/channel clearing breath)  Anuloma Viloma (Nadi Shodhana with holding the breath in at top of inhale for count of 3).  Observing the quality of the breath and just allowing the body to receive the breath. 

Toe Stretch with arm movements as well at top of foot stretch.  Noticing how these relate to our asana postures.  Toe stretch  we see in Plank, Raised Runner, Balance and even just our normal walking gate pattern.  Top of foot stretch will stretch the whole top of the foot. The whole top of the foot should be able to come to the floor. This is needed for many postures a few are: Vajrasana, Virasana, Camel, Cobra, Cat, reverse plank, triangle, headstand, handstand, shoulderstand etc…..

Calf stretch with a little look at arm work similar to what we do in TriYoga with Cat Bows.  Cat rolls with fire hydrant hip circles.  Reverse table work adding in the harder work of cradle with the legs if this was what your body called for tonight, this adds more work to the hamstring of the opposite leg (as many of you discovered). 😮

Abdominal work of Navasana (Boat) and Ardha Navasana.  The abdominal bent knee twist Continue reading Watching the breath flow with the Asanas mon

TRIYENGAR is a hit let’s keep it up Mon

Keeping the mix of Tri Yoga  & Iyengar.

Pranayama:  Dirgha, Kapalabhati slow

Opening the feet with toe stretch, toe balance and top of foot stretch. Working on inner thigh and leg inversion & eversion. Reverse table adding in dips.  Navasana flow for abs.

Standing strength  adding in  some  extended cat work for legs, abs and back.

Revisiting Karin Stephan’s dowel work at the wall for back bends.  Wall chair for strength then to the floor for strengthen building in the back with Cobra work & opposite arm and leg. 

Releasing the back with bridge, bridge lifts.  Apanasana, Spider, Hip side stretch.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Yoga Nidra from Yoga Flow Oils thanks Susan.

Let’s twist again then balance for fun. Tues

Prananyama: Dirgha, Kapalabhati slow.

Opening the shoulders before Wild Thing and Belly of the Dragon.  One more week of the hip stretches that every one loves and makes faces at. 🙂   Working the core with Dolphin and side planks with twists to really work the whole abdominal area including the obliques.

Standing strength the regular series with 1/2 moon for balance. Then we are going to deepen the balance aspect by working into Warrior 3, Warrior 1, Revolved Triangle, Revolved 1/2 moon.  These are difficult postures that one must have an inward focus to find your breath and freedom in the posture. Where is the edge between opening and force, the line between stretch and too much effort? The mind and body will serve up a feast of feelings, each breath another chance to deepen and release into the posture or time to back out.

More twists.

Aromatherapy will be Dharma from Yoga Flow Oils.. thank you Susan

Savasana           See you all in 2 weeks.  Many blessings