Pranayama over 2 blocks to open the upper back and heart.
1/4 dog using blocks, thread the needle, elbows on blocks anahatasana, rabbit, cat, table of torture. Doug Keller work for the shoulders on the wall. Using flex bands for a few strengthening moves. Goddess with eagle arms. Using the wall to stretch out the shoulders. Goddess shoulder dip, forward fold, cat, child walking hands side to side. Aromatherapy and Savasana.
The shoulder stretches done at the wall had a request for more detail to them so here we go. Standing next to wall have palm on wall with fingertips pointing down just lower than hip height. Step forward 1/2 step. Keep collarbones broad, shoulders relaxed, feet straight and lined up. Step back to release.
Have palm on wall just below shoulder height Continue reading Finding the shoulders and upper back. Wed 530 Fundamentals