Tag Archives: Alignment Focus

Just love those bands. Core Tues 530pm

Centering and preparing for the band work for this evening.

Pilates, scoop,  chin nod review.

Starting with opening the shoulders and arms

100’s, Roll down & roll ups with band it is so much easier.  Leg circles, flying eagle, rolling like a ball & roll to standing, Saw, outer thigh work, mule kicks, side leg series.  Onto belly for heel beats, pilates pulses, no bands. Twists, aromatherapy & savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Relaxing Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

First night of Fundamentals. Wed 530pm

Welcome to the Fundamentals of Yoga.  This class will move through postures slowly and with a large focus on alignment and props.  Pranayama and meditation time will also be explored.

Pranayama: 3 part breath on floor with block to fully explore the breath, will add Ujjayi.

Hip rotations to open the hips as well as leg lifts and supine cobbler.

Moving to seated and going over prop usage here. Dirgha pranayama.  hand openers to prepare for tonight’s details.

Vajrasana (Rock/Natural seat) to Runner using blocks to discover the proper movement using the muscles of the body and not just flinging the body’s parts around.  Adding runner leg stretch to open the hamstrings.  Exploring this movement at the next level of runner to forward fold and from forward fold back to runner.  These very important movements are used over and over again in most yoga classes.  When these moves are done with integrity they become easy and smooth.  One of that fastest ways to build strength and awareness.

Cat rolls, opposite arm and leg strength building.  Supine on the floor to rock the clock and bridge rolls. Supine twist with shoulder opener. Easy sit with forward fold and side stretch.   Seated twist.  Aromatherapy and Savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight is Open Heart Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan.

My favorite Juicy Joints Yum Yum Yoga Thurs 7pm

Pranayama seated on floor Sahaja, Dirgha, Box Breath.

Juicy Joints with the Yoga Therapy Joint Freeing Series  YUMMY.  Then stretching out thehands, I have noticed so many people with tight hands and arms so we focused some stretches on the hands before going into Downward Facing Dog.   Some balance added in for those newly open feet.  Gentle standing strength poses to feel the juicy joints.  Twists and a few forward folds before aromatherapy and Savasana.

Armomatherapy tonight will be Dharma  from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Open those shoulders with bondage tonight. Tues 745

Got your attention with the bondage right??  😛 Well we are going to use a strap to really open the shoulders through out most of the class tonight.  Putting the strap on even before pranayama practice tonight. Feeling the breath move through the body with the awareness of the strap. Sahaja, Dirgha, Box

Toe stretch with shoulder openers.

Sun Salute slowly still with the strap on to bring awareness as to when or if the shoulders want to roll forward.  Standing strength with the strap still on. Deviasana, Triangle, Reverse triangle, 5 point star, Warrior 2, Side Warrior, Warrior 2, Deviasana up on toes, Wide Leg Forward Fold.  other side.  Balance:  Tree with strap still on and bringing the knee forward to a balancing twist.   Remove strap and feel the lightness and openness of the upper body.

Forward fold to squat one, repeating to open the hips and work the core.  Hand balance tonight with Tolasana and crow.  Janu Sirsanasa forward fold and twists.  Pin Wheel release for the hips and shoulders,  wide leg forward fold with strap.  Aromatherapy and Savasana

Aromatherapy tonight is Ananda Blend from Yoga Flow Oils,  thank you Susan.