Category Archives: Gentle Stretches

Moving up the body to Scrumptious Shoulders & Neck. Mon 7pm Yum Yum

From heavenly hips moving into the scrumptious shoulders and neck tonight.

Starting seated on the chair for pranayama.  Sahaja, Dirgha.  Right off the bat we will try to get the traps to get their nose out of the neck.  So releases for the traps and side of the neck muscles.  Then we will see how that has opened up the right/ left sides of the brain with a little brain teaser  using our hands.

Moving to the wall to work on just standing straight.  Stabilizing the shoulder blades and stretching the neck with wall presses.  Wall stork to lift the leg but keep everything else in alignment.  Arm circles with “golfers grip” moving the shoulder joint not the elbows or wrists.

Back to the wall with elbow curls.  Finding out what the range of motion is and offering this tool to open it more.   Crossover catus  to prepare for Eagle arms.

Moving back to the chair for overhead side bends, forward folds and twists and one little stretch for the feet. Placing the feet on a block and coming up to the ball of the foot sustain the stretch and then lower the heel down sustain that stretch before aromatherapy applied in the comfort of the chair.  Admiring those fabulous feet.

Aromatherapy tonight is Vatta/Pitta Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Rolling the eyes and opening the body. Yum Yum Yoga Thurs 7pm

In this class rolling your eyes won’t get you into trouble with your Mom.  Our Moms didn’t want us to know that rolling our eyes actually uses the muscles of the eyes keeping them strong and supple.

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, and Nadi Shodhana:

Rolling through the body with gentle rolls and stretches.  The face, neck and eyes will all be awakened this evening, allowing tension to flow out of the body like water down a stream.

Moving to another area  that we store tension the hips.  Gentle hip stretches along with low back opening with bridge rolls.  Hip rotations, butterfly and cradle how can this be anything but Yummy.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Ananda Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Strong & Long Yum Yum Yoga Thurs 7pm

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana

Opening the feet, ankles, shoulders and wrists before we start tonight.   Easy seat forward fold, mula rolls. Strengthening the back with Cobra series.

Stretching out the body with bridge rolls, hips side stretch, leg lifts and stretches, hip rotations, happy baby, cradle and a few twists to round out the class.  Fingers in the sand to relax the shoulders. Aromatherapy & Savasana, meditation.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Relaxing Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Low Back Relief..Yum Yum Yoga 7pm

Pranayama over a folded blanket to open the heart as well as the body. Sahaja, Dirgha, Box Breath

Continuing on the floor using Sun breaths as the connecting thread throughout tonight’s class.  Bridging, Chin nod & lift,  Finding Table Top, Recline Tree, Cobbler, Supine Twist, Lumbar Rotation.  All the previous postures will be linked with Sun Breath between each posture.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Ananda Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Restore, renew and let go. Yum Yum Yoga Thurs 730pm

Pranayama:  Sahaja, Dirgha over a pranayama blanket.

Opening the low back, shoulders and hips using a chair & sandbags.  Restorative forward fold using the chair as support and to allow a full soft opening.  Opening wrists, neck, shoulders and feet before standing.

Standing using the wall to allow gentle easy movement with alignment.  Wall hang, gentle warrior, balance, side body opening.   Restorative twist before aromatherapy, savasana and meditation.

Aromatherapy tonight will be Shanti Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Yum Yum Yoga starts tonight. Mon 7pm

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana

Opening the neck and shoulders with gentle stretches. Moving onto the eyes, so often we forget the eyes have muscles in them and we don’t  fully use, so tonight we will move through the  eye movements to release and relieve tension in the eyes.

Shoulder openers and twists. The other place tension is held is in the hips so onto opening and moving the hips.  Aromatherapy, Savasana, and meditation will finish the Yum Yum yoga for tonight.

Aromatherapy tonight is Relaxing Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

On the floor for flexibility and strength Mon 7pm

Subbing Judy’s  stretching & meditation class tonight.

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana

Moving the joints of the ankles and feet, inversion & eversion of the leg and foot. Shoulder joint movements of cactus arms, Bird Wings.   Mula rolls for the spine, Cobbler with twist, Easy seat with forward fold and walking to each side, feeling the lungs expand fully.

Facedown strengthening the back with Cobra 1, to Cobra1/Boat.  These are the very movements that babies first make to gain strength before they begin walking.  These are very important muscles to maintain and keep healthy. Alternate leg lifts keeping the back strong and safe.  Child to stretch out the back

Supine Rock the Clock,  Bridge rolls, Hip Side Stretch.  Leg lifts to sustain the lift and stretch toward the head, out to the side, and across the body. Tri Yoga Hip Rotations, Happy Baby,  Reclined Twist.

Roll up for Aromatherapy oils and then to Savasana and Meditation.

Aromatherapy Blend tonight is Dharma

Gentle moves & meditation =Bliss mon 7pm

Subbing for Judy tonight for her stretching & meditation class.

Pranayama Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana, Anoloma Viloma.

10 churnings    Yoga therapy foot work with point and flex as well as inversion, eversion.

 Wall work from TriYoga and Karin Stephan gentle moves to open the spine and body to allow easy meditation.  Wall chair to floor for legs up the wall, cradle work, & bridge rolls

Meditation will be Rainbow chakra meditation with aromatherapy Relaxation Blend  😮

Aromatherapy is Relaxation Blend from Yoga Flow Oils thank you Susan