Pranayama: Seated Sahaja (natural breath), Dirgha (3 part breath) done slowly to prepare for the adventure of the practice of Yoga.
Opening the hands with a few hand stretches, cat rolls, cat hip circles, crossing the leg over to admire the foot and to feel the stretch. Toe stretch, toe balance and stretching the top of the foot. Ankle rolls, inversion and eversion of the leg, reverse table, Navasana with a little more abdominal work by coming into 1/2 Ardha Navasana.
Sun Salutation A variation adding in some twists. Moving into standing postures with Warrior 2, Side angle, Triangle, Moon Triangle, Warrior 2 then to the other side. Balance today was Crane, seagull, airplane, star and back to crane.
The floor was for strengthening the back with cobra 1/boat flow and a swan added in as well as a twist and a thigh stretch. Some twists and forward folds concluded the asana practice. Aromatherapy and Savasana
Aromatherapy today was Shanti Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan