All posts by Nancy MacDonald

Massaging the muscles of the eyes. Mon 7pm Yum Yum

Prananyama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana resting arm for ease.

wrist rolls, shoulder rolls, stretching the neck, half circles with neck, trap squeeze. Eye movements, arm movements to free the joints in the arms and shoulders.  Supine fingers in the sand, bridge rolls, hip side stretch, hip rotations, cradle stretch. Aromatherapy, cobbler rolls, Savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight is Yoga Nidra Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan.

Gentle fluid flow for the new week. Mon 530 Shanti Vinyasa

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, shining skull with small holds

Palm tree adding lift, cat rolls, wide leg forward fold with a twist, lifting into standing flowing postures. Down to the floor to round out the practice with some backward bending flows. Supine eagle twist before aromatherapy then to the wall for gentle rolls (mind the slippery feet), cobbler wide leg, legs at 90 Savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight is Yoga Nidra Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Flowing open with love from the heart. Fri 1115 LFF Sem

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Ujjai

Moving through a flowing class full of gentle heart opening postures.  Cat bows, cobra flows of cobra 1, cobra1 Boat, cobra 2, cobra 3, raised cobra all done as a flow.  Swan rolls, swan thigh stretch, half tortoise with a twist, cobbler, easy seat chest expansion, forward fold, walk side to side. Aromatherapy and Savasana

Aromatherapy today is Shanti Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Slow Flow and gentle stretches. Thurs 530pm

Pranayama over 2 blocks to open up the chest.

Starting by warming up the abs in a supine position, rolling up to a Navasana flow. Slow and mindful Sun Salutation. Moving into hip openers with Skanda before the standing postures. Balance blend of a moving balance.  Toe balance  to the floor for a cobra flow to strengthen the back, forward folds and twists to wring out anything that no longer serves you.

Aromatherapy tonight is Shanti Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan.

Good Morning Yogi’s Thurs 6am

Covering for Heather while she is in Hawaii well today she is traveling.

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, slow shining skull

Cat stretches, toe stretches with arm movements to really open the feet, opposite arm and leg balance. Sun Salutations with dolphin planks added in for upper body strength. Standing posture flow. Adding strength moves for the back with locust and cobra, twists and forward folds to prepare for the day.

Aromatherapy today will be Energizing Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Ease in movement for busy people. Wed 7pm Yum Yum

Pranayama: seated in chair Sahaja, Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana

Tonight will be yoga in a chair to fine easy movement and awareness in the body. Pelvic rolls, seated hip drop, pelvis rock the clock, hug yourself back and side openers.  Sit to stand with a twist, supine hip/leg slides, head rolls, aromatherapy and Savasana

Aromatherapy tonight is Anxiety Ease Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Valentine’s week is Heart opening week. Wed 530 Fundamentals

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana, with strap around shoulders.

Sun Salutation to warm up and check in. Cat rolls, cat bows, cat/child flow, half locust, full locust, cobra flow, bridge rolls, hip side stretch, reclined cobbler, aromatherapy and Savasana in queens pose.

Aromatherapy tonight is Anxiety Ease from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Backward bending class to meet the world with an open heart. Tues 745 LFF Sem

Pranayama: Standing Dirgha, Sun Breath, Breath of Joy

Sun Salutations to warm the muscles, then to balance. Tree, star, Dancer,  Swan flow.  Cobra rolls to Boat, Bow, flowing cobra,  cat/child flow,  bridge rolls add leg lift,  reclined cobbler, hip side stretch twist. Aromatherapy and Savasana with blocks under thighs   aaahhhhh

Aromatherapy tonight is Shanti Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Opening the heart to all. Mon 7pm Yum Yum

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Nadi Shodhana

This gentle class tonight will start with pranayama over a folded blanket and allow us to really focus on the breath.  Gentle stretches and heart opening movements. Aromatherapy, Savasana in queens pose.  Guided meta meditation.

Aromatherapy tonight is Open Heart Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan

Love yourself on Valentine’s day. Mon 530 Shanti Vinyasa

Pranayama: Sahaja, Dirgha, Shining skull breath

Tonight will be a heart opening practice with gentle backbending posture flows.  Cat bows, cobra flow of cobra 1, cobra 1/boat, cobra 2,  cobra 3 and raised cobra.  So healthy for our backs as well as our hearts. Swan flow with thigh stretch, half tortoise with a twist, cobbler, easy seat forward fold and walk hands side to side. Aromatherapy, Savasana.

Aromatherapy tonight is Open Heart Blend from Yoga Flow Oils, thank you Susan